Stanisław Białek, « Historia kieleckich Żydów » [« History of the Kielce Jews »], Stowarzyszenie im. Jana Karskiego, : « Z sali padły okrzyki: My nie chcemy po polsku! », First published in Słowo Żydowskie magazine (07/2011) by Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne Żydów w Polsce
A RECORD OF POGROMS IN POLAND, , 1–3 p., PDF (lire en ligne) based on information provided by a Russian writer M.J. Olgin, a Jewish Communist representing Bolshevik interests in Poland which ultimately led to the Polish–Soviet War of 1919. Olgin escaped to USA in 1915 and began to advocate that the affairs of Poland need to be taken over by an external force.