(en) Kenneth F. Kiple (dir.), Howard Duncan et James C.C. Leisen, The Cambridge World History of Human Disease, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, , 1176 p. (ISBN978-0-521-33286-6, BNF37666178), chap. VIII-12 (« Arthritis (Rheumatoïd) »), p. 599-602.
L. L. Klepinger, « Paleopathologic evidence for the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis », American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 50, no 1, , p. 119–122 (ISSN0002-9483, PMID367177, DOI10.1002/ajpa.1330500112, résumé)
Ellen M. Gravallese et Gary S. Firestein, « Rheumatoid Arthritis - Common Origins, Divergent Mechanisms », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388, no 6, , p. 529–542 (ISSN1533-4406, PMID36780677, DOI10.1056/NEJMra2103726, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) T. K. KVIEN, « Epidemiological Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Sex Ratio », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1069, no 1, , p. 212–222 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1351.019, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Richard M. Pope, Mart Mannik, Bruce C. Gilliland et David C. Teller, « The hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis due to intermediate complexes formed by self-association of IgG-rheumatoid factors », Arthritis & Rheumatism, vol. 18, no 2, , p. 97–106 (DOI10.1002/art.1780180201, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Sugiyama D, Nishimura K, Tamaki K, Tsuji G, Nakazawa T, Morinobu A, Kumagai S « Impact of smoking as a risk factor for developing rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis of observational studies » Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69(1):70–81. DOI10.1136/ard.2008.096487PMID19174392.
(en) Plenge RM. et al. (2007) « TRAF1-C5 as a Risk Locus for Rheumatoid Arthritis — A Genomewide Study » N Engl J Med. 357 (12):1199–209. DOI10.1056/NEJMoa073491PMC 2636867. PMID17804836
(en) Padyukov L, Silva C, Stolt P, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L, « A gene-environment interaction between smoking and shared epitope genes in HLA-DR provides a high risk of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis » Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50(10):3085–92. DOI10.1002/art.20553PMID15476204
(en) van Laarhoven AI, Kraaimaat FW, Wilder-Smith OH, van Riel PL, van de Kerkhof PC, Evers AW (2013) « Sensitivity to itch and pain in patients with psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis » Exp Dermatol. 2013 Aug;22(8):530-4. DOI10.1111/exd.12189 (résumé).
(en) van 't Land H, Verdurmen J, Ten Have M, van Dorsselaer S, Beekman A, de Graaf R, « The association between arthritis and psychiatric disorders; results from a longitudinal population-based study », J Psychosom Res, vol. 68, no 2, , p. 187-93. (PMID20105702, DOI10.1016/j.jpsychores.2009.05.011)modifier
(en) I. Hafstrom, « A vegan diet free of gluten improves the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: the effects on arthritis correlate with a reduction in antibodies to food antigens », Rheumatology, vol. 40, no 10, , p. 1175–1179 (ISSN1462-0324, DOI10.1093/rheumatology/40.10.1175, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) T. K. KVIEN, « Epidemiological Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Sex Ratio », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1069, no 1, , p. 212–222 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1351.019, lire en ligne, consulté le )
F. J. Aceves-Avila, F. Medina et A. Fraga, « The antiquity of rheumatoid arthritis: a reappraisal », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 28, no 4, , p. 751–757 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID11327245, lire en ligne, consulté le )
G O Storey, M Comer et D L Scott, « Chronic arthritis before 1876: early British cases suggesting rheumatoid arthritis. », Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 53, no 9, , p. 557–560 (ISSN0003-4967, PMID7979591, PMCID1005403, lire en ligne, consulté le )
J. Dequeker et H. Rico, « Rheumatoid arthritis-like deformities in an early 16th-century painting of the Flemish-Dutch school », JAMA, vol. 268, no 2, , p. 249–251 (ISSN0098-7484, PMID1608144, résumé)
L. L. Klepinger, « Paleopathologic evidence for the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis », American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 50, no 1, , p. 119–122 (ISSN0002-9483, PMID367177, DOI10.1002/ajpa.1330500112, résumé)
Ellen M. Gravallese et Gary S. Firestein, « Rheumatoid Arthritis - Common Origins, Divergent Mechanisms », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388, no 6, , p. 529–542 (ISSN1533-4406, PMID36780677, DOI10.1056/NEJMra2103726, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) T. K. KVIEN, « Epidemiological Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Sex Ratio », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1069, no 1, , p. 212–222 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1351.019, lire en ligne, consulté le )
R. M. Pope, M. A. Fletcher, A. Mamby et C. M. Shapiro, « Rheumatoid arthritis associated with hyperviscosity syndrome and intermediate complex formation », Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 135, no 2, , p. 281–285 (ISSN0003-9926, PMID238484, lire en ligne, consulté le )
M. Baron, A. G. Fam, I. Elkan et B. Underdown, « Hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 9, no 6, , p. 843–849 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID7161774, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) I. Hafstrom, « A vegan diet free of gluten improves the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: the effects on arthritis correlate with a reduction in antibodies to food antigens », Rheumatology, vol. 40, no 10, , p. 1175–1179 (ISSN1462-0324, DOI10.1093/rheumatology/40.10.1175, lire en ligne, consulté le )
F. J. Aceves-Avila, F. Medina et A. Fraga, « The antiquity of rheumatoid arthritis: a reappraisal », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 28, no 4, , p. 751–757 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID11327245, lire en ligne, consulté le )
F. J. Aceves-Avila, F. Medina et A. Fraga, « The antiquity of rheumatoid arthritis: a reappraisal », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 28, no 4, , p. 751–757 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID11327245, lire en ligne, consulté le )
G O Storey, M Comer et D L Scott, « Chronic arthritis before 1876: early British cases suggesting rheumatoid arthritis. », Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 53, no 9, , p. 557–560 (ISSN0003-4967, PMID7979591, PMCID1005403, lire en ligne, consulté le )
J. Dequeker et H. Rico, « Rheumatoid arthritis-like deformities in an early 16th-century painting of the Flemish-Dutch school », JAMA, vol. 268, no 2, , p. 249–251 (ISSN0098-7484, PMID1608144, résumé)
L. L. Klepinger, « Paleopathologic evidence for the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis », American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 50, no 1, , p. 119–122 (ISSN0002-9483, PMID367177, DOI10.1002/ajpa.1330500112, résumé)
Ellen M. Gravallese et Gary S. Firestein, « Rheumatoid Arthritis - Common Origins, Divergent Mechanisms », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388, no 6, , p. 529–542 (ISSN1533-4406, PMID36780677, DOI10.1056/NEJMra2103726, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Krati Chauhan, Jagmohan S. Jandu, Lawrence H. Brent et Mohammed A. Al-Dhahir, « Rheumatoid Arthritis », dans StatPearls, StatPearls Publishing, (PMID28723028, lire en ligne)
R. M. Pope, M. A. Fletcher, A. Mamby et C. M. Shapiro, « Rheumatoid arthritis associated with hyperviscosity syndrome and intermediate complex formation », Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 135, no 2, , p. 281–285 (ISSN0003-9926, PMID238484, lire en ligne, consulté le )
M. Baron, A. G. Fam, I. Elkan et B. Underdown, « Hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 9, no 6, , p. 843–849 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID7161774, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Sugiyama D, Nishimura K, Tamaki K, Tsuji G, Nakazawa T, Morinobu A, Kumagai S « Impact of smoking as a risk factor for developing rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis of observational studies » Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69(1):70–81. DOI10.1136/ard.2008.096487PMID19174392.
(en) Plenge RM. et al. (2007) « TRAF1-C5 as a Risk Locus for Rheumatoid Arthritis — A Genomewide Study » N Engl J Med. 357 (12):1199–209. DOI10.1056/NEJMoa073491PMC 2636867. PMID17804836
(en) Padyukov L, Silva C, Stolt P, Alfredsson L, Klareskog L, « A gene-environment interaction between smoking and shared epitope genes in HLA-DR provides a high risk of seropositive rheumatoid arthritis » Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50(10):3085–92. DOI10.1002/art.20553PMID15476204
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(en) van Laarhoven AI, Kraaimaat FW, Wilder-Smith OH, van Riel PL, van de Kerkhof PC, Evers AW (2013) « Sensitivity to itch and pain in patients with psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis » Exp Dermatol. 2013 Aug;22(8):530-4. DOI10.1111/exd.12189 (résumé).
(en) van 't Land H, Verdurmen J, Ten Have M, van Dorsselaer S, Beekman A, de Graaf R, « The association between arthritis and psychiatric disorders; results from a longitudinal population-based study », J Psychosom Res, vol. 68, no 2, , p. 187-93. (PMID20105702, DOI10.1016/j.jpsychores.2009.05.011)modifier
J. Dequeker et H. Rico, « Rheumatoid arthritis-like deformities in an early 16th-century painting of the Flemish-Dutch school », JAMA, vol. 268, no 2, , p. 249–251 (ISSN0098-7484, PMID1608144, résumé)
L. L. Klepinger, « Paleopathologic evidence for the evolution of rheumatoid arthritis », American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 50, no 1, , p. 119–122 (ISSN0002-9483, PMID367177, DOI10.1002/ajpa.1330500112, résumé)
Ellen M. Gravallese et Gary S. Firestein, « Rheumatoid Arthritis - Common Origins, Divergent Mechanisms », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388, no 6, , p. 529–542 (ISSN1533-4406, PMID36780677, DOI10.1056/NEJMra2103726, lire en ligne, consulté le )
R. M. Pope, M. A. Fletcher, A. Mamby et C. M. Shapiro, « Rheumatoid arthritis associated with hyperviscosity syndrome and intermediate complex formation », Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 135, no 2, , p. 281–285 (ISSN0003-9926, PMID238484, lire en ligne, consulté le )
M. Baron, A. G. Fam, I. Elkan et B. Underdown, « Hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis », The Journal of Rheumatology, vol. 9, no 6, , p. 843–849 (ISSN0315-162X, PMID7161774, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) I. Hafstrom, « A vegan diet free of gluten improves the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: the effects on arthritis correlate with a reduction in antibodies to food antigens », Rheumatology, vol. 40, no 10, , p. 1175–1179 (ISSN1462-0324, DOI10.1093/rheumatology/40.10.1175, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Buer, Jonas Kure. 2015. "A history of the term “DMARD”." Inflammopharmacology 23 (4):163-171. doi: 10.1007/s10787-015-0232-5.
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(en) van 't Land H, Verdurmen J, Ten Have M, van Dorsselaer S, Beekman A, de Graaf R, « The association between arthritis and psychiatric disorders; results from a longitudinal population-based study », J Psychosom Res, vol. 68, no 2, , p. 187-93. (PMID20105702, DOI10.1016/j.jpsychores.2009.05.011)modifier
(en) Richard M. Pope, Mart Mannik, Bruce C. Gilliland et David C. Teller, « The hyperviscosity syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis due to intermediate complexes formed by self-association of IgG-rheumatoid factors », Arthritis & Rheumatism, vol. 18, no 2, , p. 97–106 (DOI10.1002/art.1780180201, lire en ligne, consulté le )