Porphyre de Gaza (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Porphyre de Gaza" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
1,648th place
3,685th place
low place
1,335th place
low place
low place


  • Catherine Saliou, Le Proche-Orient : De Pompée à Muhammad, Ier s. av. J.-C. - VIIe s. apr. J.-C., Belin, coll. « Mondes anciens », , 608 p. (ISBN 978-2-7011-9286-4, présentation en ligne), chap. 3 (« Polythéisme, monothéismes : multiplicité des cultes et innovations religieuses »), p. 183.



  • The Life of Phorpyry bishop of Gaza by Mark the Deacon « Bishop Irenion, who was present at the Synod of Antioch in 363, and died about 393. His successor Aeneias hlled the see for a very short time, being followed by Porphyry in 395 », G. F. Hill, Oxford at the Claredon Press, 1913.


  • Martyrologe romain, 26 février : Gazae, in Palaestina, sancti Porphyrii Episcopi, qui, tempore Arcadii Imperatoris, Marnam idolum ejusque templum evertit, ac, multa passus, quievit in Domino.