Catherine Saliou, Le Proche-Orient : De Pompée à Muhammad, Ier s. av. J.-C. - VIIe s. apr. J.-C., Belin, coll. « Mondes anciens », , 608 p. (ISBN978-2-7011-9286-4, présentation en ligne), chap. 3 (« Polythéisme, monothéismes : multiplicité des cultes et innovations religieuses »), p. 183.
The Life of Phorpyry bishop of Gaza by Mark the Deacon « Bishop Irenion, who was present at the Synod of Antioch in 363, and died about 393. His successor Aeneias hlled the see for a very short time, being followed by Porphyry in 395 », G. F. Hill, Oxford at the Claredon Press, 1913.
Martyrologe romain, 26 février : Gazae, in Palaestina, sancti Porphyrii Episcopi, qui, tempore Arcadii Imperatoris, Marnam idolum ejusque templum evertit, ac, multa passus, quievit in Domino.