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MacKnin, Piedmonte, Jacobs et Skibinski, « Symptoms associated with infant teething: A prospective study », Pediatrics, vol. 105, no 4 Pt 1, , p. 747–52 (PMID10742315, DOI10.1542/peds.105.4.747)
Zerr, Meier, Selke et Frenkel, « A Population-Based Study of Primary Human Herpesvirus 6 Infection », New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 352, no 8, , p. 768–76 (PMID15728809, DOI10.1056/NEJMoa042207)
McIntyre et McIntyre, « Teething troubles? », British Dental Journal, vol. 192, no 5, , p. 251–5 (PMID11924952, DOI10.1038/sj.bdj.4801349), citing King DL Teething revisited. Pediatr Dent 1994; 16: 179–182.
Owais, Zawaideh et Bataineh, « Challenging parental myths regarding their children's teething », International Journal of Dental Hygiene, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 28–34 (PMID20096079, DOI10.1111/j.1601-5037.2009.00412.x)
MacKnin, Piedmonte, Jacobs et Skibinski, « Symptoms associated with infant teething: A prospective study », Pediatrics, vol. 105, no 4 Pt 1, , p. 747–52 (PMID10742315, DOI10.1542/peds.105.4.747)
King, Steinhauer, García-Godoy et Elkins, « Herpetic gingivostomatitis and teething difficulty in infants », Pediatric Dentistry, vol. 14, no 2, , p. 82–5 (PMID1323823)
Zerr, Meier, Selke et Frenkel, « A Population-Based Study of Primary Human Herpesvirus 6 Infection », New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 352, no 8, , p. 768–76 (PMID15728809, DOI10.1056/NEJMoa042207)
McIntyre et McIntyre, « Teething troubles? », British Dental Journal, vol. 192, no 5, , p. 251–5 (PMID11924952, DOI10.1038/sj.bdj.4801349), citing King DL Teething revisited. Pediatr Dent 1994; 16: 179–182.