(en) John Karaagac, Ronald Reagan and Conservative Reformism, Lexington Books, , 320 p. (ISBN0-7391-0296-6, lire en ligne), p. 113.
(en) Eugene C. Steuerle, The Tax Decade : How Taxes Came to Dominate the Public Agenda, Washington, The Urban Institute Press, , 239 p. (ISBN0-87766-523-0, lire en ligne), p. 122.
(en) Timothy Curry et Lynn Shibut, « The Cost of the Savings and Loan Crisis: Truth and Consequences », FDIC Banking Review, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, vol. 13, no 2, , p. 26 (lire en ligne).
(en) Martin Mayer, The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery: The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry, C. Scribner's Sons, (lire en ligne), p. 1.
(en) Nabil Hajjami, « The Intervention of the United States and other Eastern Caribbean States in Grenada ― 1983 », dans Tom Ruys, Olivier Corten et Alexandra Hofer, The Use of Force in International Law: A Case-Based Approach, Oxford University Press, (ISBN978-0-19-878436-4, lire en ligne), p. 388.
(en) Shándra D. Hipp, Constructive Engagement : Ronald Reagan's Problematic Policy of Appeasment with South Africa, Washington, D.C., Université de Georgetown, , 105 p. (lire en ligne), p. 4-9.
(en) Stephen D. Johnson et Joseph B. Tamney, « The Christian Right and the 1980 presidential election », Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 21, no 2, , p. 123-131 (JSTOR1385498).
(en) David Henry, « Review : Ronald Reagan and the 1980s: Perceptions, Policies, Legacies by Cheryl Hudson, Gareth Davies », Journal of American History, vol. 96, no 3, , p. 933-934 (JSTOR25622627).
(en) Gerald M. Boyd, « 'Irritated Skin' is Removed from Side of Reagan's Nose », The New York Times, , p. 6 (lire en ligne).
(en) Caroline R. Herron et Michael Wright, « Balancing the Budget and Politics; More Cancer on Reagan's Nose », The New York Times, , p. 4 (lire en ligne).
(en) Lawrence K. Altman, « President is Well after Operation to Ease Prostate », The New York Times, , p. 1 (lire en ligne).
(en) Caroline R. Herron et Martha A. Miles, « The Nation; Cancer Found on Reagan's Nose », The New York Times, , p. 4 (lire en ligne).
(en) E. J. Dionne, Jr., « Elections; Democrats gains control of Senate, drawing votes of Reagan's backers; Cuomo and d'Amato are easy victors; what await Congress; broad G.O.P losses », The New York Times, , p. 1 (lire en ligne).
(en) Jacob V. Lamar, Jr., « Rolling Out the Big Guns: The First Couple and Congress press the attack on drugs », Time, no 128, , p. 25 (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Bernard M. Shapiro, « Presidential Politics And Deficit Reduction: The Landscape Of Tax Policy In The 1980S And 1990S », Washington and Lee Law Review, vol. 50, no 2, (lire en ligne).