Céline Antonin, « Après le choc pétrolier d'octobre 1973, l'économie mondiale à l'épreuve du pétrole cher », Revue internationale et stratégique, (lire en ligne).
[vidéo] La face cachée du pétrole, documentaire de Patrick Barberis, d'après le livre éponyme d'Éric Laurent, Arte édition : Partie 1 et Partie 2 sur Dailymotion.
« Our energy demands have grown so rapidly that they now outstrip our available supplies, and at our present rate of growth, our energy needs a dozen years from now will be nearly double what they were in 1970. In the years immediately ahead, we must face up to the possibility of occasional energy shortages and some increase in energy prices. … Domestic production of available oil is no longer able to keep pace with demands. »(en) « Richard Nixon: "Special Message to the Congress on Energy Policy.," April 18, 1973. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley. », The American Presidency Project,