Helmut Salzmann, Theo Grundhöfer, Hermann Hähl et Rainer Löwen, The Classical Fields: Structural Features of the Real and Rational Numbers, vol. 112, Cambridge University Press, coll. « Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications », (ISBN978-0-521-86516-6, lire en ligne), 155
(en) Nitsa Movshovitz-hadar et Atara Shriki, Logic In Wonderland: An Introduction To Logic Through Reading Alice's Adventures In Wonderland - Teacher's Guidebook, World Scientific, , 38 p. (ISBN978-981-320-864-3, lire en ligne) :
« This can also be expressed in the statement: 'Almost all prime numbers are odd.' »
Paul-Jean Cahen et Jean-Luc Chabert, Non-Noetherian Commutative Ring Theory, vol. 520, Springer, coll. « Mathematics and Its Applications », (1re éd. First published 2000) (ISBN978-1-4419-4835-9, DOI10.1007/978-1-4757-3180-4), « Chapter 4: What's New About Integer-Valued Polynomials on a Subset? », p. 85
Laurent Baratchart, Modelling, Robustness and Sensitivity Reduction in Control Systems, vol. 34, Springer, coll. « NATO ASI Series F », (ISBN978-3-642-87516-8, DOI10.1007/978-3-642-87516-8), « Recent and New Results in Rational L2 Approximation », p. 123