(en) « 2001 Sir William Deane AC KBE », sur sydneypeacefoundation.org.au, Sydney Peace Foundation, (consulté le ) : « ... for his consistent support of vulnerable and disadvantaged Australians and his strong commitment to the cause of reconciliation. » Sydney Peace Prize Lecture: Modèle:Pdflink
(en) « 2013 Dr Cynthia Maung », sur sydneypeacefoundation.org.au, Sydney Peace Foundation, (consulté le ) : « ... for her dedication to multi-ethnic democracy, human rights and the dignity of the poor and dispossessed, and for establishing health services for victims of conflict. »
(en) « 2014 Julian Burnside AO QC », sur sydneypeacefoundation.org.au, Sydney Peace Foundation (consulté le )
(en) « 2015 George Gittoes AM », sur sydneypeacefoundation.org.au, Sydney Peace Foundation, (consulté le ) : « for exposing injustice for over 45 years as a humanist artist, activist and filmmaker, for his courage to witness and confront violence in the war zones of the world, for enlisting the arts to subdue aggression and for enlivening the creative spirit to promote tolerance, respect and peace with justice. »