(en) Melinda A. Zeder, « The Origins of Agriculture in the Near East », Current Anthropology, vol. 52, no S4 « The Origins of Agriculture: New Data, New Ideas », , p. 221-235 (lire en ligne) ; (en) George Willcox, « The Beginnings of Cereal Cultivation and Domestication in Southwest Asia », dans Potts (dir.) 2012, p. 163-180 ; George Willcox, « Les premiers indices de la culture des céréales au Proche-Orient », dans C. Manen, T. Perrin et J. Guilaine (dir.), La transition néolithique en Méditerranée. Actes du colloque Transitions en Méditerranée, ou comment des chasseurs devinrent agriculteurs, Toulouse, 14-15 avril 2011, Arles, Errance, , p. 47-58.
« If we take into consideration all of the above, the concept of Neolithization involved much more than plant and animal domestication, for Neolithization processes also involved the “domestication” of fire (pyrotechnological developments leading eventually to pottery production) and water (management in the form of wells and irrigation). Additionally, and of paramount significance, is social “domestication” with new means of molding community identity and interaction, whose very essence changed; these range from bonding through kinship, exchange networks, craft specialization, feasting, and so on, to rivalry, political boundaries, and intra and intercommunity confrontational violence. Ultimately, the “Neolithic revolution,” in the Near East at least, was a longterm, incremental, and undirected process marked by significant threshold events, the outcome of which was by no means certain. » : (en) A. Nigel Goring-Morris et Anna Belfer-Cohen, « Neolithization Processes in the Levant: The Outer Envelope », Current Anthropology, vol. 52, no S4 « The Origins of Agriculture: New Data, New Ideas », , p. 204 (lire en ligne).
(en) Mario Liverani, « Imperialism », dans Susan Pollock et Reinhardt Bernbeck (dir.), Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives, Malden et Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, , p. 223-243 ; (en) Paul-Alain Beaulieu, « World Hegemony, 900–300 BCE », dans Daniel C. Snell (dir.), A companion to the ancient Near East, Malden et Oxford, Blackwell, , p. 48-61 ; Francis Joannès, « Assyriens, Babyloniens, Perses achéménides : la matrice impériale », Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Supplément n°5, , p. 27-47 (lire en ligne) ; (en) Gojko Barjamovic, « Mesopotamian Empire », dans Peter Fibiger Bang et Walter Scheidel (dir.), The Oxford Handbook of the State in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Oxford, Oxford University Press, , p. 120-160.