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(en) John Gray Geer, Public Opinion and Polling Around the World : A Historical Encyclopedia, vol. 1, ABC-CLIO, (lire en ligne), p. 385.
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(en) William H. Withaker et Ronald C. Federico, Social Welfare in Today's World, McGraw-Hill, , 374 p. (ISBN0-07-069624-1, lire en ligne), p. 236-240.
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(en) Michael A. Genovese, Encyclopedia of the American Presidency, Facts on File/Infobase Publishing, , 606 p. (ISBN978-0-8160-7366-5, lire en ligne), p. 212.
(en) Simon LeVay et Elisabeth Nonas, City of Friends : A Portrait of the Gay and Lesbian Community in America, MIT Press, , 468 p. (ISBN0-262-12194-8, lire en ligne), p. 64-65.
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(en) Jane Roessner, A Decent Place to Live : From Columbia Point to Harbor Point — a Community History, Dexter, Northeastern University Press, , 314 p. (ISBN1-55553-436-8, lire en ligne), p. 91.
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(en) Stacey L. Schreft, « Credit Controls : 1980 », Economic Review of the Federal Bank of Richmond, , p. 25-55 (lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le ).
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