(en) David Enders, « Fighting for a job in Iraq », Asia Times, 16 janvier 2004 : « Qasim Hadi, secretary general of the Union of the Unemployed, which claims to represent 300,000 people. »
« Le directeur de Sana TV est Qasim Hadi, président du Syndicat des chômeurs en Irak. », « Le Congrès des libertés en Irak », sur bataillesocialiste.wordpress.com, .
« Some of the first street protests in Baghdad were organized by the Union of Unemployed of Iraq, now part of the FWCUI, which led to many arrests, particularly for the union's head, Qasim Hadi. »
« Syndicaliste clandestin, organisateur de grèves victorieuses sous le régime de Saddam Hussein, Qasim Hadi est aujourd’hui secrétaire général du Syndicat des chômeurs en Irak. », Divergences, n° 5, janvier 2007, lire en ligne.
David Bacon, « La brute politique pétrolière irakienne », Equal Times, (lire en ligne).
« Two other trade union leaders — Qasim Hadi, general secretary of the Union of the Unemployed, and Adil Salih, another leader of the organization — were arrested in November 11 »
« Qasim Hadi, the leader of the Union of Unemployed Iraqis (UUI), and Adil Salih, from the Union's leadership committee, were arrested in Baghdad on 23 November 2003 ... »
« Qasim Hadi, general secretary of the Union of the Unemployed (part of the FWCUI), was arrested several times by occupation troops, for leading demonstrations of unemployed workers demanding unemployment benefits and jobs. »
(en) Asian Labour Update, Asia Monitor Resource Center (no 50-62), (lire en ligne), p. 17
« US forces have detained union activists engaged in peaceful demonstrations, including Qasim Hadi and 54 other members of the Union of the Unemployed ... »
« He also put down some of the first street protests in Baghdad, organized by the Union of Unemployed of Iraq (part of the FWCUI), and has arrested the union's head, Qasim Hadi, many times. »
(en) David Bacon, Eight Years of Occupation In Iraq, Eight Years of Misery, The Greanville Post, 3 avril 2011 : « For the next six years, he led one protest after another, making the Union of the Unemployed a thorn in the side first of the U.S. occupation administration, and then of the Iraqi regimes that followed. »
(en) David Bacon, « Eight Years of Occupation In Iraq, Eight Years of Misery », sur The Greanville Post, : « “There has basically been no change in the unemployment situation since the occupation started,” Hadi charges. “There are more than 10 million unemployed people in Iraq — about 60-70% of the workforce”. According to the UUI, government unemployment statistics are artificially low because they don’t count many people. “Women aren’t counted,” Hadi says, citing just one example, “because the government says their husbands or fathers are responsible for supporting them.” »
(en) David Bacon, « For Unionists, Iraq’s Oil War Rages On », sur In These Times, : « Yet unemployment in Iraq continues at [a] level unimaginable in the United States. “There has basically been no change in the unemployment situation since the occupation started,” said Qasim Hadi, who organized Iraq’s Union of the Unemployed when the occupation began, in a 2011 interview. »
« He also put down some of the first street protests in Baghdad, organized by the Union of Unemployed of Iraq (part of the FWCUI), and has arrested the union's head, Qasim Hadi, many times. »
« There is a Union of the Unemployed, which has held marches and demonstrations demanding jobs and benefits. Its leader, Qasim Hadi, has been repeatedly arrested by the occupation troops. »
Syndicat des chômeurs et chômeuses d'Irak. Appel contre la répression, 27 novembre 2003, lire en ligne.
(en) Joanne Landy, « Questions for the Peace Movement: The US Occupation of Iraq.s », New Politics(en), vol. 9, no 4, , p. 19 (résumé, lire en ligne [PDF])
« [...] reports have come in of newer arrests of Iraqi trade unionists: on November 23, a US military force in Baghdad arrested Qasim Hadi, president of the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq and Adil Salih, a member of union's leading committee; »
Nicolas Dessaux, Islam, femmes et laïcité en Irak, Réfractions, n° 14, printemps 2005, page 125.
(en) Joanne Landy, « Questions for the Peace Movement: The US Occupation of Iraq.s », New Politics(en), vol. 9, no 4, , p. 19 (résumé, lire en ligne [PDF])
« [...] reports have come in of newer arrests of Iraqi trade unionists: on November 23, a US military force in Baghdad arrested Qasim Hadi, president of the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq and Adil Salih, a member of union's leading committee; »
(en) Jason Goff et Jennifer Wilson, « Organized Crime in Iraq », sur web.stanford.edu, EDGE/Spring, , p. 27 : « On July 29, 2003 US forces in Iraq arrested a leader of Iraq’s new emerging labor movement, Kacem Madi, along with 20 other members of the Union of the Unemployed. The unionists were conducting a sit-in to protest the treatment of unemployed Iraqi workers by the US occupation authority and the fact that contracts for work rebuilding the country have been given overwhelmingly to US corps. As a result of Iraq’s unemployment state, the Union of the Unemployed has become the fastest growing, largest labor organization in the country. »
« Two other trade union leaders — Qasim Hadi, general secretary of the Union of the Unemployed, and Adil Salih, another leader of the organization — were arrested in November 11 »
(en) Joanne Landy, « Questions for the Peace Movement: The US Occupation of Iraq.s », New Politics(en), vol. 9, no 4, , p. 19 (résumé, lire en ligne [PDF])
« [...] reports have come in of newer arrests of Iraqi trade unionists: on November 23, a US military force in Baghdad arrested Qasim Hadi, president of the Union of the Unemployed in Iraq and Adil Salih, a member of union's leading committee; »
« There is a Union of the Unemployed, which has held marches and demonstrations demanding jobs and benefits. Its leader, Qasim Hadi, has been repeatedly arrested by the occupation troops. »
« Some of the first street protests in Baghdad were organized by the Union of Unemployed of Iraq, now part of the FWCUI, which led to many arrests, particularly for the union's head, Qasim Hadi. »
« There is a Union of the Unemployed, which has held marches and demonstrations demanding jobs and benefits. Its leader, Qasim Hadi, has been repeatedly arrested by the occupation troops. »