(en) « Goth rock », sur AllMusic (consulté le ), The true birth of goth rock was Bela Lugosi's Dead, the 1979 debut single by Bauhaus.
(en) Luke Lewis, « Release The Bats », sur NME.com, , Peter Hook despairs whenever anyone refers to Joy Division as a goth band, but what else were they? Desolate atmospherics, icily reverberating synths, Ian Curtis' portentous baritone. All those qualities found their ultimate expression in Atmosphere, a song whose shattering emotive power is intensified by Anton Corbijn's monochrome video (shot eight years after the song's original release), featuring mysterious hooded figures swarming slowly over a bleached landscape. Most gothic moment: The vast, echoing guitar chords that enter at 3.23.
Sylvaïn Nicolino, « Rosetta Stone », sur Obsküre.com, (consulté le )
(en) Nitsuh Abebe, « A Life Less Lived », sur Pitchfork, (consulté le ), Familiar classics from the bands who turned out to be goth's godfathers-- Joy Division, the Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxsie & the Banshees-- but the heart of the thing remains England's 1980s goth heyday, where the urge to dance comes out in grim, grinding, relentless music for the fake undead: Look to the Sisters of Mercy's steamroller ; Temple of Love.