Roue de Deming (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Roue de Deming" in French language version.

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  • (en) Shewhart-Deming’s Learning and Quality Cycle, in The Foresight Guide, sur le site Foresight University : « Other scholars after Deming renamed the Act step to Adjust for more clarity (and to distinguish it from the Do step), and added Observe as a fifth step at the front of the cycle, giving us the modern OPDCA cycle. The first step stresses the need to Observe (learn the current condition) prior to creating any plan. / As Shewhart would say, careful Observation is always the first step in the scientific method, which next involves forming hypotheses, and then Plans for experiments to test each hypothesis (Observe-Plan-Do-Check-Adjust). »