(en) « CIRCLE TAKES THE SQUARE is in the studio », metal injection, (consulté le ) : « ...CIRCLE TAKES THE SQUARE have retained their integrity and stayed true to the grind influenced experimental, progressive hardcore soundscapes that defined the screamo albums of the early part of the millenium. ».
(en) Anchors, « Review of Orchid's Totality », (consulté le ) : « Orchid always was, and always will be the quintessential screamo band of the late 90s, as they encompassed everything people like me love about the genre, and throw their own unique spin on it ».
(en) Jack Tiernan (July 15, 2015), « Starter Kit: Screamo/Emoviolence », sur heavyblogisheavy.com, Heavy Blog Is Heavy, 15 juillet, 2015 (consulté le )