(en) Timothy L. Smith, Revivalism and Social Reform : American Protestantism on the Eve of the Civil War ("Revivalisme et réforme sociale : Le protestantisme américain à la veille de la guerre civile"), Wipf & Stock, , 254 p. (ISBN978-1-59244-998-9, lire en ligne)
(en) Nancy Cott, "Young Women in the Second Great Awakening in New England", Feminist Studies, (1975), 3#1 p. 15. JSTOR:3518952. DOI10.2307/3518952.
(en) Nancy Cott, "Young Women in the Second Great Awakening in New England", Feminist Studies, (1975), 3#1 p. 15. JSTOR:3518952. DOI10.2307/3518952.
Heyrman, Christine Leigh. "Le premier grand réveil". Divining America , TeacherServe. Centre national des sciences humaines