(en) Frank Costigliola, « The Other Side of Isolationism: The Establishment of the First World Bank, 1929-1930 », The Journal of American History, vol. 59, no 3, , p. 602–620 (ISSN0021-8723, DOI10.2307/1900660, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Army Ordnance: The Journal of the Army Ordnance Association, Army Ordnance Association., (lire en ligne), p. 651
(en) Allied powers (1919-) Reparation commission, The Execution of the Experts' Plan: First-[fifth Annuity] Year [and Transition Period] September 1, 1924 [to May 17, 1930]., Office for reparation payments, (lire en ligne), p. 489
(en) Briton Hadden et Henry Robinson Luce, Time, Time Incorporated, (lire en ligne)
(en) Frank Costigliola, « The Other Side of Isolationism: The Establishment of the First World Bank, 1929-1930 », The Journal of American History, vol. 59, no 3, , p. 602–620 (ISSN0021-8723, DOI10.2307/1900660, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Frank Costigliola, « The Other Side of Isolationism: The Establishment of the First World Bank, 1929-1930 », The Journal of American History, vol. 59, no 3, , p. 602–620 (ISSN0021-8723, DOI10.2307/1900660, lire en ligne, consulté le )