GF Diomandé, PFEK Bile, FH Koffi et MP Konan, « Epidemio-Clinical, Therapeutic and Evolving Aspects of Tropical Endemic Limboconjunctivitis in Children in the Ophthalmology Department of the Bouake University Hospital Center », Journal of Ophthalmology & Clinical Research, vol. 8, no 3, , p. 1–6 (ISSN2378-8887, DOI10.24966/ocr-8887/100088, lire en ligne, consulté le )
GF Diomandé, PFEK Bile, FH Koffi et MP Konan, « Epidemio-Clinical, Therapeutic and Evolving Aspects of Tropical Endemic Limboconjunctivitis in Children in the Ophthalmology Department of the Bouake University Hospital Center », Journal of Ophthalmology & Clinical Research, vol. 8, no 3, , p. 1–6 (ISSN2378-8887, DOI10.24966/ocr-8887/100088, lire en ligne, consulté le )