Épisode Inside Straight Edge de la série Inside, d'une durée de 50 minutes. Diffusé pour la première fois le 9 avril 2008 sur le réseau National Geographic Society. Autres crédits : Writer: David Shadrack Smith. Directors: Jim Gaffey and David Shadrack Smith. Visionner l'épisode en ligne
(en) Josh Krist, « White Punks on Hope », Phoenix New Times, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) « Interview with Scenepointblank » (consulté le ), p. I think that the idea of straight edge, the song that I wrote, and the way people have related it it, there's some people who have abused it, they've allowed their fundamentalism to interfere with the real message, which in my mind, was that people should be allowed to live their lives the way they want to. By and large, I think most people who identify with that are just good people, who are just trying to do something good in their lives, and it's a shame they have to suffer the kind of stigma that other people have put on that thing. But in terms of it being a movement or whatever, it's just not a movement for me, I never thought of it..