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J.P. Lulich, A.C. Berent, L.G. Adams et J.L. Westropp, « ACVIM Small Animal Consensus Recommendations on the Treatment and Prevention of Uroliths in Dogs and Cats », Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 30, no 5, , p. 1564–1574 (ISSN0891-6640, PMID27611724, PMCID5032870, DOI10.1111/jvim.14559, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Robert T. Burns, Lara B. Moody, Forbes R. Walker et D. Raj Raman, « Laboratory and In-Situ Reductions of Soluble Phosphorus in Liquid Swine Waste Slurries », Environmental Technology, vol. 22, , p. 1273-1278 (ISSN0959-3330, DOI10.1080/09593332208618190, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
J.P. Lulich, A.C. Berent, L.G. Adams et J.L. Westropp, « ACVIM Small Animal Consensus Recommendations on the Treatment and Prevention of Uroliths in Dogs and Cats », Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, vol. 30, no 5, , p. 1564–1574 (ISSN0891-6640, PMID27611724, PMCID5032870, DOI10.1111/jvim.14559, lire en ligne, consulté le )
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(en) Robert T. Burns, Lara B. Moody, Forbes R. Walker et D. Raj Raman, « Laboratory and In-Situ Reductions of Soluble Phosphorus in Liquid Swine Waste Slurries », Environmental Technology, vol. 22, , p. 1273-1278 (ISSN0959-3330, DOI10.1080/09593332208618190, lire en ligne, consulté le ).