Sukkalmah (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Sukkalmah" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
57th place
4th place
121st place
192nd place

  • (en) François Desset, « Nine Linear Elamite Texts Inscribed on Silver “Gunagi” Vessels (X, Y, Z, F’, H’, I’, J’, K’ and L’): New Data on Linear Elamite Writing and the History of the Sukkalmaḫ Dynasty », Iran, vol. 56, no 2,‎ (ISSN 0578-6967, lire en ligne)

  • (en) François Desset, « Nine Linear Elamite Texts Inscribed on Silver “Gunagi” Vessels (X, Y, Z, F’, H’, I’, J’, K’ and L’): New Data on Linear Elamite Writing and the History of the Sukkalmaḫ Dynasty », Iran, vol. 56, no 2,‎ (ISSN 0578-6967, lire en ligne)