(en) Jordi Albo-Canals, Danielle Feerst, Daniel de Cordoba et Chris Rogers, « A Cloud Robotic System based on Robot Companions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Perform Evaluations during LEGO Engineering Workshops », dans Extended Abstracts Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Extended Abstracts, New York, (lire en ligne), p. 173-174.
(en) M. R. Woodbury-Smith, J. Robinson, S. Wheelwright et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Screening adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: a preliminary study of its diagnostic validity in clinical practice », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 3, , p. 331–335 (PMID16119474, DOI10.1007/s10803-005-3300-7, lire en ligne [archive] [PDF], consulté le ).
(en) David E. Welchew, Chris Ashwin, Karim Berkouk, Raymond Salvador, John Suckling et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Functional disconnectivity of the medial temporal lobe in Asperger’s syndrome », Biological psychiatry, vol. 57, no 9, , p. 991–998 (lire en ligne).
(en) E. Schopler, « Premature popularization of Asperger syndrome », dans Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism?, New York, Plenum press, (ISBN0-306-45746-6, lire en ligne), p. 388–390.
Claude Wacjman, « L’autisme après 2012, année grande cause nationale », Psychologie Clinique, EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, vol. 38, no 2, , p. 8-29 (DOI10.1051/psyc/201438008, résumé).
(en) Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network Surveillance Year 2010 Principal Investigators; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) et al., « Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2010 », MMWR Surveill Summ, vol. 63, no 2, , p. 1-21 (PMID24670961, lire en ligne)modifier.
(en) Caroline E. Robertson, Eva-Maria Ratai et Nancy Kanwisher, « Reduced GABAergic Action in the Autistic Brain », Current Biology, vol. 26, (ISSN0960-9822, DOI10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.019, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Coralie Chevallier, Gregor Kohls, Vanessa Troiani, Edward S. Brodkin et Robert T. Schultz, « The social motivation theory of autism », Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 16, no 4, , p. 231–239 (DOI10.1016/j.tics.2012.02.007, lire en ligne).
(en) J. Coplan et A. F. Jawad, « Modeling clinical outcome of children with autistic spectrum disorders », Pediatrics, vol. 116, no 1, , p. 117–122 (PMID15995041, DOI10.1542/peds.2004-1118, lire en ligne).
(en) C. Kasari et E. Rotheram-Fuller, « Current trends in psychological research on children with high-functioning autism and Asperger disorder », Current Opinion in Psychiatry, vol. 18, no 5, , p. 497–501 (PMID16639107, DOI10.1097/01.yco.0000179486.47144.61).
(en) A. N. Witwer et L. Lecavalier, « Examining the validity of autism spectrum disorder subtypes », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 9, , p. 1611–1624 (PMID18327636, DOI10.1007/s10803-008-0541-2).
(en) Tony Attwood, « Strategies for Improving the Social Integration of Children with Asperger Syndrome », Autism, The Macgregor Medical Centre, Australie, vol. 4, no 1, , p. 85-100 (DOI10.1177/1362361300004001006).
(en) D. Allen, C. Evans, A. Hider A, S. Hawkins, H. Peckett et H. Morgan, « Offending behaviour in adults with Asperger syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 4, , p. 748–758 (PMID17805955, DOI10.1007/s10803-007-0442-9).
(en) S. S. Newman et M. Ghaziuddin, « Violent crime in Asperger syndrome: the role of psychiatric comorbidity », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 10, , p. 1848–1852 (PMID18449633, DOI10.1007/s10803-008-0580-8).
(en) V. Lyons et M. Fitzgerald, « Humor in autism and Asperger syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 34, no 5, , p. 521–531 (PMID15628606, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-2547-8).
Aurélie Bucaille, Marine Grandgeorge, Céline Degrez et Camille Mallégol, « Cognitive profile in adults with Asperger syndrome using WAIS-IV: Comparison to typical adults », Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol. 21, , p. 1–9 (DOI10.1016/j.rasd.2015.09.001, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) M. South, S. Ozonoff et W. M. McMahon, « Repetitive behavior profiles in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 2, , p. 145–158 (PMID15909401, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-1992-8).
(en) Digby Tantam, David Holmes et Christopher Cordess, « Nonverbal expression in autism of Asperger type », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 23, no 1, , p. 111-133 (DOI10.1007/BF01066422, lire en ligne).
(en) Ali A. Danesh et Wafaa Kaf, « Putting Research into Practice for Autism Spectrum Disorder », Hearing Journal, vol. 68, no 1, , p. 26-30 (DOI10.1097/01.HJ.0000459743.01876.fd, lire en ligne).
(en) S. J. Rogers et S. Ozonoff, « Annotation: what do we know about sensory dysfunction in autism? A critical review of the empirical evidence », J. Child Psychol. Psychiatry, vol. 46, no 12, , p. 1255–1268 (PMID16313426, DOI10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01431.x).
(en) Marcia Gardner, Patricia D. Suplee, Joan Bloch et Karen Lecks, « Exploratory Study of Childbearing Experiences of Women with Asperger Syndrome », Nursing for Women's Health, vol. 20, , p. 28–37 (DOI10.1016/j.nwh.2015.12.001, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) R. A. Müller, « The study of autism as a distributed disorder », Ment. Retard. Dev. Disabil. Res. Rev., vol. 13, no 1, , p. 85–95 (PMID17326118, PMCID3315379, DOI10.1002/mrdd.20141).
(en) Caroline E. Robertson, Eva-Maria Ratai et Nancy Kanwisher, « Reduced GABAergic Action in the Autistic Brain », Current Biology, vol. 26, (ISSN0960-9822, DOI10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.019, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) S. M. Klauck, « Genetics of autism spectrum disorder », Eur. J. of Hum. Genet., vol. 14, no 6, , p. 714–720 (DOI10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201610, lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Coralie Chevallier, Gregor Kohls, Vanessa Troiani, Edward S. Brodkin et Robert T. Schultz, « The social motivation theory of autism », Trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 16, no 4, , p. 231–239 (DOI10.1016/j.tics.2012.02.007, lire en ligne).
(en) Mats Cederlund et Christopher Gillberg, « One hundred males with Asperger syndrome: a clinical study of background and associated factors », Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 46, no 10, , p. 652-660 (DOI10.1017/S0012162204001100).
(en) Christopher Gillberg et Linda de Souza, « Head circumference in autism, Asperger syndrome, and ADHD: a comparative study », Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 44, no 5, , p. 296-300 (DOI10.1017/S0012162201002110).
(en) T. L. Arndt, C. J. Stodgell et P. M. Rodier, « The teratology of autism », Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., vol. 23, nos 2–3, , p. 189–199 (PMID15749245, DOI10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2004.11.001).
(en) P. Ruedaa, P. Fernández-Berrocala et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Dissociation between cognitive and affective empathy in youth with Asperger Syndrome », European Journal of Developmental Psychology, vol. 12, no 1, , p. 85-98 (DOI10.1080/17405629.2014.950221).
(en) J. M. Campbell, « Diagnostic assessment of Asperger's disorder: a review of five third-party rating scales », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 1, , p. 25–35 (PMID15796119, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-1028-4).
(en) M. R. Woodbury-Smith, J. Robinson, S. Wheelwright et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Screening adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: a preliminary study of its diagnostic validity in clinical practice », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 3, , p. 331–335 (PMID16119474, DOI10.1007/s10803-005-3300-7, lire en ligne [archive] [PDF], consulté le ).
Shattuck PT, Grosse SD, « Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders », Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, vol. 13, no 2, , p. 129–135 (PMID17563895, DOI10.1002/mrdd.20143).
(en) Elizabeth Fein, « “No One Has to Be Your Friend”: Asperger's Syndrome and the Vicious Cycle of Social Disorder in Late Modern Identity Markets », Ethos, vol. 43, no 1, , p. 82–107 (DOI10.1111/etho.12073View, lire en ligne).
(en) Gillian Baird, Tony Chairman, Simon Baron-Cohen, Antony Cox, John Swettenham, Sally Wheelwright et Auriol Drew, « A Screening Instrument for Autism at 18 Months of Age: A 6-Year Follow-up Study », Child & adolescent psychiatry, vol. 39, no 6, , p. 694-702 (lire en ligne).
(en) J. Coplan et A. F. Jawad, « Modeling clinical outcome of children with autistic spectrum disorders », Pediatrics, vol. 116, no 1, , p. 117–122 (PMID15995041, DOI10.1542/peds.2004-1118, lire en ligne).
(en) I. Carina Gillberg, Adam Helles, Eva Billstedt et Christopher Gillberg, « Boys with Asperger Syndrome Grow Up: Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 20 Years After Initial Diagnosis », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 46, , p. 74–82 (ISSN0162-3257 et 1573-3432, DOI10.1007/s10803-015-2544-0, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Manuel Madriaga, « ‘I avoid pubs and the student union like the plague’: Students with Asperger Syndrome and their negotiation of university spaces », Children's Geographies, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 39-50 (DOI10.1080/14733280903500166, lire en ligne).
(en) Marc Woodbury-Smith et Kalpana Dein , « Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Unlawful Behaviour: Where Do We Go from Here? », Autism Dev Disord, no 44, , p. 2734–2741 (DOI10.1007/s10803-014-2216-5) ; traduit partiellement en français : aspie, « Autism Spectrum Disorder and Unlawful Behaviour: Where Do We Go from Here? », Autisme et syndrome d'Asperger, (DOI10.58079/d1nh).
(en) Jonathan A. Weiss et Yona Lunsky, « Group cognitive behaviour therapy for adults with Asperger syndrome and anxiety or mood disorder: a case series », Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, vol. 17, no 5, , p. 438–446 (DOI10.1002/cpp.694, lire en ligne).
(en) Ailsa J. Russel, David Mataix-Cols, Martin Anson et G. M. Murphy, « Obsessions and compulsions in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism », The British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 186, no 6, , p. 525-528 (PMID15928364, DOI10.1192/bjp.186.6.525, lire en ligne).
(en) Hamiyet İpek Toz, Nur Öztürk, Ürün Özer et Güliz Özgen, « Asperger syndrome and bipolar disorder comorbidity in an adult: a case report », New Yeni Sempozyum, vol. 53, no 1, , p. 16-19 (DOI10.5455/NYS.20150203023154, lire en ligne).
(en) Hofvander, Björn; Delorme, Richard; Chaste, Pauline; Nydén, Agneta; Wentz, Elisabet; Stahlberg, Ola; Herbrecht, Evelyn; Stopin, Astrid; Anckarsäter, Henrik; Gillberg, Christopher; et al. (2009). « Psychiatric and psychosocial problems in adults with normal-intelligence autism spectrum disorders ». BMC Psychiatry. 9 (1): 35. DOI10.1186/1471-244x-9-35. Consulté le 24 septembre 2014.
Plusieurs études portent sur l'alexithymie associée au syndrome d'Asperger :
(en) M. Fitzgerald et M. A. Bellgrove, « The overlap between alexithymia and Asperger's syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 36, no 4, , p. 573–576 (PMID16755385, PMCID2092499, DOI10.1007/s10803-006-0096-z)
(en) M. A. Polimeni, A. L. Richdale et A. J. Francis, « A survey of sleep problems in autism, Asperger's disorder and typically developing children », J. Intellect. Disabil. Res., vol. 49, no 4, , p. 260–8 (PMID15816813, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00642.x).
(en) P. Tani, N. Lindberg, M. Joukamaa, T. Nieminen-von Wendt, L. von Wendt, B. Appelberg, R. Rimón, T. Porkka-Heiskanen, « Asperger syndrome, alexithymia and perception of sleep », Neuropsychobiology, vol. 49, no 2, , p. 64–70 (PMID14981336, DOI10.1159/000076412, lire en ligne).
(en) Tove Lugnegårda, Maria Unenge Hallerbäck et Christopher Gillberg, « Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia: Overlap of self-reported autistic traits using the Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ) », Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 69, no 4, , p. 268-274 (DOI10.3109/08039488.2014.972452, lire en ligne).
David Da Fonseca, Marine Viellard, Eric Fakra, Delphine Bastard-Rosset, Christine Deruelle et François Poinso, « Schizophrénie ou syndrome d’Asperger ? », La Presse médicale, vol. 37, no 9, , p. 1268-1273 (DOI10.1016/j.lpm.2008.01.020).
(en) Melissa Paquette-Smith, Jonathan Weiss et Yona Lunsky, « History of Suicide Attempts in Adults With Asperger Syndrome », Crisis, Toronto, Canada, vol. 35, no 4, (DOI10.1027/0227-5910/a000263, lire en ligne).
(en) John P. Charltona et Ian D.W. Danforthb, « Validating the distinction between computer addiction and engagement: online game playing and personality », Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 29, no 6, , p. 601-613 (DOI10.1080/01449290903401978, lire en ligne).
J. Andanson, F. Pourre, T. Maffre et J.-P. Raynaud, « Mise au point : Les groupes d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales pour enfants et adolescents avec syndrome d’Asperger : revue de la littérature », Archives de pédiatrie, vol. 5, no 18, , p. 589-596 (ISSN0929-693X, DOI10.1016/j.arcped.2011.02.019).
Claude Wacjman, « L’autisme après 2012, année grande cause nationale », Psychologie Clinique, EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, vol. 38, no 2, , p. 8-29 (DOI10.1051/psyc/201438008, résumé).
M. Liratnia, C. Blancheta et R. Pryb, « Évolution symptomatologique et adaptative de 7 enfants avec troubles autistiques sans retard mental après 30 séances de groupe d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales », Pratiques Psychologiques, (DOI10.1016/j.prps.2015.04.001).
Brigitte Chamak, « La prise en charge de l’autisme : le traitement médiatique », Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, Elsevier, vol. 61, no 4, , p. 231-235 (DOI10.1016/j.neurenf.2012.12.004).
(en) « As a consequence, interventions for children with Asperger's syndrome have focused upon educative and behavioral approaches (Solomon, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders, 2004). However, there is inconsistent evidence pertaining to their effectiveness (Rao, Beidel, & Murray, 2007; Reynhout & Carter, 2006; Tantam, 2000; Tse, Strulovitch, Tagalakis, Meng, & Fombonne, 2007; Williams White, Keonig, & Scahill, 2006). These approaches are designed to improve skills related to symptomatic behaviors, such as the capacity to read and draw inferences from social cues and to enact scripts to facilitate social interaction. However, the phenomenology of Asperger's syndrome is not well addressed by these approaches » (Tantam, 2000) (en) Alan J. Levy, « Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Children with Asperger's Syndrome: Therapeutic Engagement through Play », Psychoanalytic Perspectives: A Journal of Integration and Innovation, Taylor & Francis, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 72–91 (ISSN1551-806X, DOI10.1080/1551806X.2011.10473120).
(en) Paula Jacobsen, « A Brief Overview of the Principles of Psychotherapy with Asperger’s Syndrome », Clin. Child Psychol. Psychiatry, vol. 9, no 4, , p. 567-578 (DOI10.1177/1359104504046160, lire en ligne).
Voir entre autres :
Abram Coen, « Perspectives actuelles dans la question de l'autisme : quelle place pour la psychanalyse ? », Cahiers de PréAut, L'Harmattan, vol. No 1, no 1, , p. 125-140 (DOI10.3917/capre.001.0123)
« Although, overall, the scientific literature on Asperger’s has expanded dramatically over the past 15 years work focused specifically on psychotherapy is sparse and that even more directly focused on psychoanalytic treatment or therapy is even more limited. Much of it consists of single case reports with one volume (edited by Rhode and Klauber, 2004) containing most of the relevant papers. Additionally it should be noted that, at times, issues of diagnosis are not clear or are, at best, ambiguous. Also, as noted subsequently, various modifications in technique are often needed so that comparison across cases is somewhat complicated. With these provisos kept in mind, however, it is interesting that the available literature does consistently point to several themes in more psychodynamically oriented work and provides important perspectives on long term treatment for individuals with Asperger’s disorder. For example, Shuttleworth (1999) provides a detailed report on a long period of psychodynamically informed psychotherapy with a child and adolescent. […] Many similar issues are reported in other reports of long term clinical engagement (e. g., Morgan, 2004; Nesiv-Vuckovic, 2004; Cudmore, 2004; Stern, 2004; Cassidy, 2004; Truckle, 2004; all contained in the Rhode and Klauber, 2004, volume). […] In summary, work with patients with Asperger’s provides important opportunities as well as challenges. Modifications in usual methods are essential both to ensure long-term therapeutic engagement and benefit. Research based on this work is critically needed »in(en) Fred R. Volkmar, « Asperger's Disorder: Implications for Psychoanalysis », Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Taylor & Francis, vol. 31, no 3, , p. 334–344 (ISSN0735-1690, DOI10.1080/07351690.2010.513664).
(en) Bertram J. Cohler et Talia Weiner, « The Inner Fortress: Symptom and Meaning in Asperger's Syndrome », Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, vol. 31, no 3, , p. 208-221 (DOI10.1080/07351690.2010.513592, lire en ligne).
(en) Michaela L. Scroggins, Lyn G. Litchke et Ting Liu, « Effects of multisensory yoga on behavior in a male child with Apert and Asperger syndrome », Int. J. Yoga, vol. 9, no 1, , p. 81-84 (DOI10.4103/0973-6131.171716, lire en ligne).
(en) K. E. Towbin, « Strategies for pharmacologic treatment of high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome », Child Adolesc. Psychiatr. Clin. N. Am., vol. 12, no 1, , p. 23–45 (PMID12512397, DOI10.1016/S1056-4993(02)00049-4, lire en ligne).
(en) Alexander Regi, D. M. Michael et Satheesh Gangadharan, « The use of Rispéridone in adults with Asperger syndrome », British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, vol. 50, no 99, (DOI10.1179/096979504799103912, lire en ligne)
(en) F. I. Tarazi, Z. T. Sahli, J. Pleskow et S. A. Mousa, « Asperger’s syndrome: diagnosis, comorbidity and therapy », Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, vol. 15, no 3, , p. 281-293 (DOI10.1586/14737175.2015.1009898, lire en ligne).
(en) Lisa A. Croen, Judith K. Grether, Cathleen K. Yoshida, Roxana Odouli et Victoria Hendrick, « Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy and Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders », Arch Gen Psychiatry, vol. 68, no 11, , p. 1104-1112 (DOIdoi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.73).
(en) Thomas Clarke, Anna Tickle et Alinda Gillott, « Substance use disorder in Asperger syndrome: An investigation into the development and maintenance of substance use disorder by individuals with a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome », International Journal of Drug Policy, (DOI10.1016/j.drugpo.2015.06.003).
Hervé Bentata, « « Fast-Com » et réseaux sociaux « Aspi » : À propos du dernier livre de J.-C. Maleval, « L’autiste, son double et ses objets » », Cahiers de PréAut, L'Harmattan, no 8, , p. 159-161 (DOI10.3917/capre.008.0157).
(en) Priya Sreedaran et M. V. Ashok, « Asperger Syndrome in India: Findings from a Case-Series with Respect to Clinical Profile and Comorbidity », Indian J. Psychol. Med., vol. 37, no 2, , p. 212–214 (PMID4418256, DOI10.4103/0253-7176.155632).
(en) Desmond McKernan, « Aspire: The Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland », Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders, , p. 1-3 (DOI10.1007/978-1-4614-6435-8_102105-1).
(en) J. Clarke J et G. van Amerom, « 'Surplus suffering': differences between organizational understandings of Asperger's syndrome and those people who claim the 'disorder' », Disabil. Soc., vol. 22, no 7, , p. 761–776 (DOI10.1080/09687590701659618).
(en) J. Clarke et G. van Amerom, « Asperger's syndrome: differences between parents' understanding and those diagnosed », Soc. Work. Health Care, vol. 46, no 3, , p. 85–106 (PMID18551831, DOI10.1300/J010v46n03_05).
(en) S. Allred, « Reframing Asperger syndrome: lessons from other challenges to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual and ICIDH approaches », Disabil. Soc., vol. 24, no 3, , p. 343–355 (DOI10.1080/09687590902789511).
(en) Cynthia Bearer, Steven H. Abman, Carlo Agostoni et Phil Ballard, « Asperger’s syndrome – about time to rename it? », Pediatric Research, , p. 1–3 (ISSN1530-0447, DOI10.1038/s41390-023-02885-8).
(en) National Autistic Society, Employing People with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide, National Autistic Society, , 72 p. (ISBN1-899280-72-3 et 978-1-899280-72-8, lire en ligne), p. 8.
Sophie Parent et Lyse Turgeon, Intervention cognitivo-comportementale auprès des enfants et des adolescents : Troubles de comportement, vol. 2, Presses universitaires du Québec, (ISBN2-7605-3410-3 et 978-2-7605-3410-0, lire en ligne), p. 128-132.
(en) Melissa Paquette-Smith, Jonathan Weiss et Yona Lunsky, « History of Suicide Attempts in Adults With Asperger Syndrome », Crisis, Toronto, Canada, vol. 35, no 4, (DOI10.1027/0227-5910/a000263, lire en ligne).
(en) Michaela L. Scroggins, Lyn G. Litchke et Ting Liu, « Effects of multisensory yoga on behavior in a male child with Apert and Asperger syndrome », Int. J. Yoga, vol. 9, no 1, , p. 81-84 (DOI10.4103/0973-6131.171716, lire en ligne).
(en) F. I. Tarazi, Z. T. Sahli, J. Pleskow et S. A. Mousa, « Asperger’s syndrome: diagnosis, comorbidity and therapy », Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, vol. 15, no 3, , p. 281-293 (DOI10.1586/14737175.2015.1009898, lire en ligne).
(en) Caroline E. Robertson, Eva-Maria Ratai et Nancy Kanwisher, « Reduced GABAergic Action in the Autistic Brain », Current Biology, vol. 26, (ISSN0960-9822, DOI10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.019, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) I. Carina Gillberg, Adam Helles, Eva Billstedt et Christopher Gillberg, « Boys with Asperger Syndrome Grow Up: Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 20 Years After Initial Diagnosis », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 46, , p. 74–82 (ISSN0162-3257 et 1573-3432, DOI10.1007/s10803-015-2544-0, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
J. Andanson, F. Pourre, T. Maffre et J.-P. Raynaud, « Mise au point : Les groupes d’entraînement aux habiletés sociales pour enfants et adolescents avec syndrome d’Asperger : revue de la littérature », Archives de pédiatrie, vol. 5, no 18, , p. 589-596 (ISSN0929-693X, DOI10.1016/j.arcped.2011.02.019).
(en) « As a consequence, interventions for children with Asperger's syndrome have focused upon educative and behavioral approaches (Solomon, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders, 2004). However, there is inconsistent evidence pertaining to their effectiveness (Rao, Beidel, & Murray, 2007; Reynhout & Carter, 2006; Tantam, 2000; Tse, Strulovitch, Tagalakis, Meng, & Fombonne, 2007; Williams White, Keonig, & Scahill, 2006). These approaches are designed to improve skills related to symptomatic behaviors, such as the capacity to read and draw inferences from social cues and to enact scripts to facilitate social interaction. However, the phenomenology of Asperger's syndrome is not well addressed by these approaches » (Tantam, 2000) (en) Alan J. Levy, « Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Children with Asperger's Syndrome: Therapeutic Engagement through Play », Psychoanalytic Perspectives: A Journal of Integration and Innovation, Taylor & Francis, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 72–91 (ISSN1551-806X, DOI10.1080/1551806X.2011.10473120).
« Although, overall, the scientific literature on Asperger’s has expanded dramatically over the past 15 years work focused specifically on psychotherapy is sparse and that even more directly focused on psychoanalytic treatment or therapy is even more limited. Much of it consists of single case reports with one volume (edited by Rhode and Klauber, 2004) containing most of the relevant papers. Additionally it should be noted that, at times, issues of diagnosis are not clear or are, at best, ambiguous. Also, as noted subsequently, various modifications in technique are often needed so that comparison across cases is somewhat complicated. With these provisos kept in mind, however, it is interesting that the available literature does consistently point to several themes in more psychodynamically oriented work and provides important perspectives on long term treatment for individuals with Asperger’s disorder. For example, Shuttleworth (1999) provides a detailed report on a long period of psychodynamically informed psychotherapy with a child and adolescent. […] Many similar issues are reported in other reports of long term clinical engagement (e. g., Morgan, 2004; Nesiv-Vuckovic, 2004; Cudmore, 2004; Stern, 2004; Cassidy, 2004; Truckle, 2004; all contained in the Rhode and Klauber, 2004, volume). […] In summary, work with patients with Asperger’s provides important opportunities as well as challenges. Modifications in usual methods are essential both to ensure long-term therapeutic engagement and benefit. Research based on this work is critically needed »in(en) Fred R. Volkmar, « Asperger's Disorder: Implications for Psychoanalysis », Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Taylor & Francis, vol. 31, no 3, , p. 334–344 (ISSN0735-1690, DOI10.1080/07351690.2010.513664).
(en-GB) Adam Feinstein, « Daniel Tammet: 'Maths is as rich, inspiring and human as literature' », The Guardian, (ISSN0261-3077, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Cynthia Bearer, Steven H. Abman, Carlo Agostoni et Phil Ballard, « Asperger’s syndrome – about time to rename it? », Pediatric Research, , p. 1–3 (ISSN1530-0447, DOI10.1038/s41390-023-02885-8).
(en) Franklin Cameron, Psy.D., LPC, CAC III, « Restoring hope in substances-using teen with learning disabilities », Addiction professionnal, vol. 3, no 5, (lire en ligne).
(en) Russell Foster, « Does the Equality Act 2010 ensure equality for individuals with Asperger syndrome in the legal arena?: A survey of recent UK case law », Autonomy, vol. 1, no 4, (lire en ligne).
(en) Ali A. Danesh et Wafaa Kaf, « Putting Research into Practice for Autism Spectrum Disorder », Hearing Journal, vol. 68, no 1, , p. 26-30 (DOI10.1097/01.HJ.0000459743.01876.fd, lire en ligne).
(en) Taina Nieminen-von Wendt, Liisal Metsähonkala, Tuula A. Kulomäki, Sargo Aalto, Taina Autti, Raija Vanhala, Olli Eskola, Jörgen Bergman, Jarmo Hietala et Lennart O. von Wendt, « Increased presynaptic dopamine function in Asperger syndrome », Clinical Neuroscience and Neuropathology, vol. 15, no 5, , p. 757-760 (lire en ligne).
(en) Brian Bethune, « Autistic licence: suddenly, Asperger's is the new 'it' disorder on screen and in fiction », Macleans.ca, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) S. M. Klauck, « Genetics of autism spectrum disorder », Eur. J. of Hum. Genet., vol. 14, no 6, , p. 714–720 (DOI10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201610, lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en-US) Hazel Muir, « Einstein and Newton showed signs of autism », New Scientist, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) C. Kasari et E. Rotheram-Fuller, « Current trends in psychological research on children with high-functioning autism and Asperger disorder », Current Opinion in Psychiatry, vol. 18, no 5, , p. 497–501 (PMID16639107, DOI10.1097/01.yco.0000179486.47144.61).
(en) A. N. Witwer et L. Lecavalier, « Examining the validity of autism spectrum disorder subtypes », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 9, , p. 1611–1624 (PMID18327636, DOI10.1007/s10803-008-0541-2).
(en) J. H. Baskin, M. Sperber et B. H. Price, « Asperger syndrome revisited », Rev. Neurol. (Paris), vol. 3, no 1, , p. 1–7 (PMID16596080).
N. Bauminger et C. Kasari, « Loneliness and friendship in high-functioning children with autism », Child. Dev., vol. 71, no 2, , p. 447-456 (lire en ligne).
(en) D. Allen, C. Evans, A. Hider A, S. Hawkins, H. Peckett et H. Morgan, « Offending behaviour in adults with Asperger syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 4, , p. 748–758 (PMID17805955, DOI10.1007/s10803-007-0442-9).
(en) S. S. Newman et M. Ghaziuddin, « Violent crime in Asperger syndrome: the role of psychiatric comorbidity », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 38, no 10, , p. 1848–1852 (PMID18449633, DOI10.1007/s10803-008-0580-8).
(en) V. Lyons et M. Fitzgerald, « Humor in autism and Asperger syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 34, no 5, , p. 521–531 (PMID15628606, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-2547-8).
(en) M. South, S. Ozonoff et W. M. McMahon, « Repetitive behavior profiles in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 2, , p. 145–158 (PMID15909401, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-1992-8).
(en) S. J. Rogers et S. Ozonoff, « Annotation: what do we know about sensory dysfunction in autism? A critical review of the empirical evidence », J. Child Psychol. Psychiatry, vol. 46, no 12, , p. 1255–1268 (PMID16313426, DOI10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01431.x).
(en) Kathrin Hippler et Christian Klicpera, « A retrospective analysis of the clinical case records of ‘autistic psychopaths’ diagnosed by Hans Asperger and his team at the University Children’s Hospital, Vienna », Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, vol. 358, , p. 291–301 (lire en ligne).
(en) R. A. Müller, « The study of autism as a distributed disorder », Ment. Retard. Dev. Disabil. Res. Rev., vol. 13, no 1, , p. 85–95 (PMID17326118, PMCID3315379, DOI10.1002/mrdd.20141).
(en) P. Galiatsatos, A. Gologan et E. Lamoureux, « Autistic enterocolitis: fact or fiction? », Can. J. Gastroenterol., vol. 23, no 2, , p. 95-98 (PMID19214283, lire en ligne).
(en) T. L. Arndt, C. J. Stodgell et P. M. Rodier, « The teratology of autism », Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., vol. 23, nos 2–3, , p. 189–199 (PMID15749245, DOI10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2004.11.001).
(en) E. Gowen et R. C. Miall, « Behavioural aspects of cerebellar function in adults with Asperger syndrome », Cerebellum, vol. 4, no 4, , p. 279-289 (lire en ligne).
(en) H. L. Gunter, M. Ghaziuddin et H. D. Ellis, « Asperger syndrome: tests of right hemisphere functioning and interhemispheric communication », J. Autism. Dev. Disord., vol. 32, no 4, , p. 263-281 (lire en ligne).
Deux études concluent que l'amygdale ne joue pas son rôle dans la reconnaissance des émotions chez les Asperger :
(en) C. Fine, J. Lumsden et R. J. Blair, « Dissociation between 'theory of mind' and executive functions in a patient with early left amygdala damage », Brain, vol. 124, , p. 287-298 (lire en ligne)
(en) J. M. Campbell, « Diagnostic assessment of Asperger's disorder: a review of five third-party rating scales », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 1, , p. 25–35 (PMID15796119, DOI10.1007/s10803-004-1028-4).
(en) M. R. Woodbury-Smith, J. Robinson, S. Wheelwright et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Screening adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: a preliminary study of its diagnostic validity in clinical practice », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 3, , p. 331–335 (PMID16119474, DOI10.1007/s10803-005-3300-7, lire en ligne [archive] [PDF], consulté le ).
Shattuck PT, Grosse SD, « Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders », Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, vol. 13, no 2, , p. 129–135 (PMID17563895, DOI10.1002/mrdd.20143).
(en) Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network Surveillance Year 2010 Principal Investigators; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) et al., « Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2010 », MMWR Surveill Summ, vol. 63, no 2, , p. 1-21 (PMID24670961, lire en ligne)modifier.
(en) Collaborateurs du Global Burden of Disease Study 2013, « Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 », Lancet, Londres, (PMID26063472).
(en) Fombonne E, Tidmarsh L, « Epidemiologic data on Asperger disorder », Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am, vol. 12, no 1, , p. 15-21, v-vi. (PMID12512396)modifier.
(en) J. Coplan et A. F. Jawad, « Modeling clinical outcome of children with autistic spectrum disorders », Pediatrics, vol. 116, no 1, , p. 117–122 (PMID15995041, DOI10.1542/peds.2004-1118, lire en ligne).
(en) Ailsa J. Russel, David Mataix-Cols, Martin Anson et G. M. Murphy, « Obsessions and compulsions in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism », The British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 186, no 6, , p. 525-528 (PMID15928364, DOI10.1192/bjp.186.6.525, lire en ligne).
(en) S. Ehlers et C. Gillberg, « The epidemiology of Asperger syndrome. A total population study. », J. Child. Psychol. Psychiatry., vol. 34, no 8, , p. 1327-1350 (lire en ligne).
Plusieurs études portent sur l'alexithymie associée au syndrome d'Asperger :
(en) M. Fitzgerald et M. A. Bellgrove, « The overlap between alexithymia and Asperger's syndrome », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 36, no 4, , p. 573–576 (PMID16755385, PMCID2092499, DOI10.1007/s10803-006-0096-z)
(en) M. A. Polimeni, A. L. Richdale et A. J. Francis, « A survey of sleep problems in autism, Asperger's disorder and typically developing children », J. Intellect. Disabil. Res., vol. 49, no 4, , p. 260–8 (PMID15816813, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00642.x).
(en) P. Tani, N. Lindberg, M. Joukamaa, T. Nieminen-von Wendt, L. von Wendt, B. Appelberg, R. Rimón, T. Porkka-Heiskanen, « Asperger syndrome, alexithymia and perception of sleep », Neuropsychobiology, vol. 49, no 2, , p. 64–70 (PMID14981336, DOI10.1159/000076412, lire en ligne).
(en) Ronald Pies, « Should DSM-V Designate “Internet Addiction” a Mental Disorder? », Psychiatry (Edgmont), vol. 6, no 2, , p. 31–37 (lire en ligne).
(en) K. E. Towbin, « Strategies for pharmacologic treatment of high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome », Child Adolesc. Psychiatr. Clin. N. Am., vol. 12, no 1, , p. 23–45 (PMID12512397, DOI10.1016/S1056-4993(02)00049-4, lire en ligne).
(en) Sudad Jawad et Isaac O'Homba, « Transcultural Issues in Asperger's Disorder: A Comparison of 2 Cases », Prim. Care Companion J. Clin. Psychiatry, vol. 9, no 5, , p. 394–396 (PMID2040275, lire en ligne).
(en) Priya Sreedaran et M. V. Ashok, « Asperger Syndrome in India: Findings from a Case-Series with Respect to Clinical Profile and Comorbidity », Indian J. Psychol. Med., vol. 37, no 2, , p. 212–214 (PMID4418256, DOI10.4103/0253-7176.155632).
(en) J. Clarke et G. van Amerom, « Asperger's syndrome: differences between parents' understanding and those diagnosed », Soc. Work. Health Care, vol. 46, no 3, , p. 85–106 (PMID18551831, DOI10.1300/J010v46n03_05).
(en) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), « Asperger syndrome fact sheet » [archive du ], (consulté le ) NIH Publication No. 05-5624.
Des réserves ont été émises par la revue Prescrire sur la méthodologie d'élaboration des recommandations de la Haute Autorité de Santé : « Ce guide privilégie les méthodes cognitivo-comportementales, et écarte les autres approches sans arguments solides. Ce choix exclusif est non ou mal étayé. Il n’aide pas les soignants de premiers recours ni les familles à faire un choix éclairé »« Au crible. Guide de pratique clinique. Autisme chez les enfants et les adolescents : un faux consensus », La revue Prescrire, vol. 33, no 354, , p. 305 (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Johanna Rendle-Short, Ray Wilkinson et Susan J. Danby, « Name-calling by a Child Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome », dans Handbook of Child Mental Health: Discourse and Conversation Studies, Londres & New York, Palgrave MacMillan, (lire en ligne).
(en) Ailsa J. Russel, David Mataix-Cols, Martin Anson et G. M. Murphy, « Obsessions and compulsions in Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism », The British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 186, no 6, , p. 525-528 (PMID15928364, DOI10.1192/bjp.186.6.525, lire en ligne).
(en) Alexander Regi, D. M. Michael et Satheesh Gangadharan, « The use of Rispéridone in adults with Asperger syndrome », British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, vol. 50, no 99, (DOI10.1179/096979504799103912, lire en ligne)
Simon Baron-Cohen, « L’autisme : une forme extrême du cerveau masculin ? », Terrain, vol. 42, , p. 17-32 (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Paula Jacobsen, « A Brief Overview of the Principles of Psychotherapy with Asperger’s Syndrome », Clin. Child Psychol. Psychiatry, vol. 9, no 4, , p. 567-578 (DOI10.1177/1359104504046160, lire en ligne).
N. De Spiegeleera et J. Appelboomb, « Le syndrome d'Asperger existe-t-il ? [Is there any Asperger syndrome?] », Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, vol. 55, no 3, , p. 137–143 (lire en ligne).
D. Da Fonseca et C. Deruelle, « Reconnaissance des émotions et syndrome d’Asperger », Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, vol. 58, nos 6-7, , p. 405-409 (lire en ligne).
Aurélie Bucaille, Marine Grandgeorge, Céline Degrez et Camille Mallégol, « Cognitive profile in adults with Asperger syndrome using WAIS-IV: Comparison to typical adults », Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol. 21, , p. 1–9 (DOI10.1016/j.rasd.2015.09.001, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Marcia Gardner, Patricia D. Suplee, Joan Bloch et Karen Lecks, « Exploratory Study of Childbearing Experiences of Women with Asperger Syndrome », Nursing for Women's Health, vol. 20, , p. 28–37 (DOI10.1016/j.nwh.2015.12.001, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en + fr) H. Duverger, D. Da Fonseca, D. Bailly et C. Deruelle, « Theory of mind in Asperger syndrome [Syndrome d’Asperger et théorie de l’esprit] », L'Encéphale, vol. 33, no 4, partie 1, , p. 592–597 (lire en ligne).
M.-P. Gattegno et C. De Fenoyl, « L'Entraînement aux habiletés sociales chez les personnes atteintes du syndrome d'Asperger », Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, vol. 14, no 3, , p. 109–115 (lire en ligne).
S. Serret, M. Myquel, N. Renaudo, E. Argaud et F. Askenazy, « Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de « haut niveau » : évaluation des effets d’une prise en charge de groupe sur la communication à partir d’un support vidéo », Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, vol. 57, no 4, , p. 260–266 (lire en ligne).
(en) Kenneth I Pakenham, Kate Sofronoff et Christina Samios, « Finding meaning in parenting a child with Asperger syndrome: correlates of sense making and benefit finding », Research in Developmental Disabilities, vol. 25, no 3, , p. 245–264 (lire en ligne).
(en) Hamiyet İpek Toz, Nur Öztürk, Ürün Özer et Güliz Özgen, « Asperger syndrome and bipolar disorder comorbidity in an adult: a case report », New Yeni Sempozyum, vol. 53, no 1, , p. 16-19 (DOI10.5455/NYS.20150203023154, lire en ligne).
(en) Digby Tantam, David Holmes et Christopher Cordess, « Nonverbal expression in autism of Asperger type », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 23, no 1, , p. 111-133 (DOI10.1007/BF01066422, lire en ligne).
(en) Kate Sofronoff, Tony Attwood, Sharon Hinton, Irina Levin, « A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Cognitive Behavioural Intervention for Anger Management in Children Diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 37, no 7, , p. 1203-1214 (lire en ligne).
(en) I. Carina Gillberg, Adam Helles, Eva Billstedt et Christopher Gillberg, « Boys with Asperger Syndrome Grow Up: Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 20 Years After Initial Diagnosis », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 46, , p. 74–82 (ISSN0162-3257 et 1573-3432, DOI10.1007/s10803-015-2544-0, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Manuel Madriaga, « ‘I avoid pubs and the student union like the plague’: Students with Asperger Syndrome and their negotiation of university spaces », Children's Geographies, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 39-50 (DOI10.1080/14733280903500166, lire en ligne).
(en) Tove Lugnegårda, Maria Unenge Hallerbäck et Christopher Gillberg, « Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia: Overlap of self-reported autistic traits using the Autism-spectrum Quotient (AQ) », Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 69, no 4, , p. 268-274 (DOI10.3109/08039488.2014.972452, lire en ligne).
(en) John P. Charltona et Ian D.W. Danforthb, « Validating the distinction between computer addiction and engagement: online game playing and personality », Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 29, no 6, , p. 601-613 (DOI10.1080/01449290903401978, lire en ligne).
(en) Bertram J. Cohler et Talia Weiner, « The Inner Fortress: Symptom and Meaning in Asperger's Syndrome », Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, vol. 31, no 3, , p. 208-221 (DOI10.1080/07351690.2010.513592, lire en ligne).
(en) K. E. Towbin, « Strategies for pharmacologic treatment of high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome », Child Adolesc. Psychiatr. Clin. N. Am., vol. 12, no 1, , p. 23–45 (PMID12512397, DOI10.1016/S1056-4993(02)00049-4, lire en ligne).
(en) Catherine Deveney, « Susan Boyle: my relief at discovering that I have Asperger » [« Susan Boyle : je me sens soulagée d'avoir découvert que je suis atteinte du syndrome d'Asperger »], The Guardian, (lire en ligne)
(en-GB) Adam Feinstein, « Daniel Tammet: 'Maths is as rich, inspiring and human as literature' », The Guardian, (ISSN0261-3077, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Rachel Thomas, « Interview with Actor Matthew Gray Gubler from 'Criminal Minds' », ThoughtCo., www.thoughtco.com, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Christina Talmadge et Charles McAdams, « Optimizing Parenting Effectiveness in Families of Children with Asperger’s Syndrome », The Online Journal of Counseling and Education, vol. 4, no 3, , p. 128-142 (lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Carol Gray et Tony Attwood, « The Discovery of “Aspies” Criteria », The Morning News, vol. 11, no 3, (lire en ligne).
(en) M. Ghaziuddin, J. Shakal et L. Tsai, « Obstetric factors in Asperger syndrome: comparison with high-functioning autism », Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Université du Michigan, vol. 39, , p. 538-543 (lire en ligne).
Guillaume Lieber, Le diagnostic rétrospectif de syndrome d'Asperger dans les cas d'Albert Einstein et de Glenn Gould, Thèse d'exercice, Université de Poitiers, (lire en ligne).
(en) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), « Asperger syndrome fact sheet » [archive du ], (consulté le ) NIH Publication No. 05-5624.
(en) M. R. Woodbury-Smith, J. Robinson, S. Wheelwright et Simon Baron-Cohen, « Screening adults for Asperger Syndrome using the AQ: a preliminary study of its diagnostic validity in clinical practice », J. Autism Dev. Disord., vol. 35, no 3, , p. 331–335 (PMID16119474, DOI10.1007/s10803-005-3300-7, lire en ligne [archive] [PDF], consulté le ).
(en) Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network Surveillance Year 2010 Principal Investigators; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) et al., « Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2010 », MMWR Surveill Summ, vol. 63, no 2, , p. 1-21 (PMID24670961, lire en ligne)modifier.
(en) Fombonne E, Tidmarsh L, « Epidemiologic data on Asperger disorder », Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am, vol. 12, no 1, , p. 15-21, v-vi. (PMID12512396)modifier.
(en) Uta Frith et F. Happe, « Theory of mind and self-consciousness: What is it like to be autistic? », Mind and Language, vol. 14, no 1, , p. 1-22 (lire en ligne).
(en) Elizabeth Fein, « “No One Has to Be Your Friend”: Asperger's Syndrome and the Vicious Cycle of Social Disorder in Late Modern Identity Markets », Ethos, vol. 43, no 1, , p. 82–107 (DOI10.1111/etho.12073View, lire en ligne).
(en) Jonathan A. Weiss et Yona Lunsky, « Group cognitive behaviour therapy for adults with Asperger syndrome and anxiety or mood disorder: a case series », Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, vol. 17, no 5, , p. 438–446 (DOI10.1002/cpp.694, lire en ligne).