(en) E. L. Armstronget al., « Cruveilhier-Baumgarten Syndrome; Review of Literature and Report of 2 Additional Cases », Annals of internal medicine, vol. 16, no 1, , p. 113-151 (ISSN0003-4819, résumé)
(en) E. L. Armstronget al., « Cruveilhier-Baumgarten Syndrome; Review of Literature and Report of 2 Additional Cases », Annals of internal medicine, vol. 16, no 1, , p. 113-151 (ISSN0003-4819, résumé)
(en) C. Morinet al., « Patent paraumbilical vein: Anatomic and hemodynamic variants and their clinical importance », Radiology, vol. 185, , p. 253-256 (ISSN0033-8419 et 1527-1315, résumé)
(en) C. Morinet al., « Patent paraumbilical vein: Anatomic and hemodynamic variants and their clinical importance », Radiology, vol. 185, , p. 253-256 (ISSN0033-8419 et 1527-1315, résumé)