Laurent Quisefit, « Autoritarismes civils et militaires en Corée du Sud: 1948-1979 », Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, no N° 24, 4, (ISSN2038-0925, DOI10.4000/diacronie.3854, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Laurent Quisefit, « Autoritarismes civils et militaires en Corée du Sud: 1948-1979 », Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, no N° 24, 4, (ISSN2038-0925, DOI10.4000/diacronie.3854, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Laurent Quisefit, « Autoritarismes civils et militaires en Corée du Sud: 1948-1979 », Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, no N° 24, 4, (ISSN2038-0925, DOI10.4000/diacronie.3854, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) « South Korea owns up to brutal past - World - », sur, : « One of the worst incidents preceded the Korean War, in 1948, when the new Syngman Rhee government installed in Seoul by the United States ordered its army to suppress a leftist revolt on Cheju Island. About 30,000 local people were gunned down. ».
(en) « South Korea owns up to brutal past - World - », sur, : « By early 1950 Rhee had about 30,000 alleged communists in his jails, and had about 300,000 suspected sympathisers enrolled in an official "re-education" movement known as the Bodo League. When Kim Il-sung's communist army attacked from the North in June that year, retreating South Korean forces executed the prisoners, along with many Bodo League members. ».