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Tomas Bohr, Poul Hjorth, Sebastian Holst, Sabina Hrabětová, Vesa Kiviniemi, Tuomas Lilius, Iben Lundgaard, Kent-Andre Mardal, Erik Martens, Yuki Mori, Valentin Nägerl, Charles Nicholson, Allen Tannenbaum, John Thomas, Jeffrey Tithof, Helene Benveniste, Jeffrey Iliff, Douglas Kelley, Maiken Nedergaard, « The glymphatic system: Current understanding and modeling », iScience, (PMID36093063, PMCIDPMC9460186, DOI10.1016/j.isci.2022.104987)
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Tomas Bohr, Poul Hjorth, Sebastian Holst, Sabina Hrabětová, Vesa Kiviniemi, Tuomas Lilius, Iben Lundgaard, Kent-Andre Mardal, Erik Martens, Yuki Mori, Valentin Nägerl, Charles Nicholson, Allen Tannenbaum, John Thomas, Jeffrey Tithof, Helene Benveniste, Jeffrey Iliff, Douglas Kelley, Maiken Nedergaard, « The glymphatic system: Current understanding and modeling », iScience, (PMID36093063, PMCIDPMC9460186, DOI10.1016/j.isci.2022.104987)
Gaberel T, Gakuba C, Goulay R, Martinez De Lizarrondo S, Hanouz JL, Emery E, Touze E, Vivien D, Gauberti M, « Impaired glymphatic perfusion after strokes revealed by contrast-enhanced MRI: a new target for fibrinolysis? », Stroke, vol. 45, no 10, , p. 3092–6 (PMID25190438, DOI10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006617)
Ng Kee Kwong KC, Mehta AR, Nedergaard M, Chandran S, « Defining novel functions for cerebrospinal fluid in ALS pathophysiology », Acta Neuropathologica Communications, vol. 8, no 1, , p. 140 (PMID32819425, PMCID7439665, DOI10.1186/s40478-020-01018-0)
(en) Andrew Bacyinski, Maosheng Xu, Wei Wang et Jiani Hu3, « The Paravascular Pathway for Brain Waste Clearance: Current Understanding, Significance and Controversy », Frontiers in Neuroanatomy(en), vol. 11, , article no 101 (DOI10.3389/fnana.2017.00101).
(en) Vesa Kiviniemi, Xindi Wang, Vesa Korhonen, Tuija Keinänen, Timo Tuovinen et al., « Ultra-fast magnetic resonance encephalography of physiological brain activity – Glymphatic pulsation mechanisms? », Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism(en), vol. 36, no 6, , p. 1033-1045 (DOI10.1177/0271678X15622047).
(en) Tomas Bohr, Poul G. Hjorth, Sebastian C. Holst, Sabina Hrabětová, Vesa Kiviniemi et al., « The glymphatic system: Current understanding and modeling », iScience(en), vol. 25, no 9, , article no 104987 (DOI10.1016/j.isci.2022.104987).