E. De Carolis et G. Patricelli, Vesuvius, A.D. 79 : The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum, L'Erma di Bretschneider, , 71–76 p. (ISBN978-88-8265-199-2, lire en ligne)
(en) W. Marzocchi et Scandone R. & Mulargia F., « The tectonic setting of Mount Vesuvius and the correlation between its eruptions and the earthquakes of the Southern Apennines », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 58, nos 1-4, , p. 27–41 (DOI10.1016/0377-0273(93)90100-6, Bibcode1993JVGR...58...27M, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) W. Marzocchi et Scandone R. & Mulargia F., « The tectonic setting of Mount Vesuvius and the correlation between its eruptions and the earthquakes of the Southern Apennines », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 58, nos 1-4, , p. 27–41 (DOI10.1016/0377-0273(93)90100-6, Bibcode1993JVGR...58...27M, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Seneca, Naturales quaestiones, vol. VI De Terrae Motu (lire en ligne)
(en) W. Marzocchi et Scandone R. & Mulargia F., « The tectonic setting of Mount Vesuvius and the correlation between its eruptions and the earthquakes of the Southern Apennines », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 58, nos 1-4, , p. 27–41 (DOI10.1016/0377-0273(93)90100-6, Bibcode1993JVGR...58...27M, lire en ligne, consulté le )