Matthieu MP Bott et Sabine Chahory, « Epidemiology and clinical presentation of feline presumed hereditary or breed-related ocular diseases in France: retrospective study of 129 cats », Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, , p. 1098612X2210805 (ISSN1098-612X et 1532-2750, DOI10.1177/1098612x221080598, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Matthieu MP Bott et Sabine Chahory, « Epidemiology and clinical presentation of feline presumed hereditary or breed-related ocular diseases in France: retrospective study of 129 cats », Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, , p. 1098612X2210805 (ISSN1098-612X et 1532-2750, DOI10.1177/1098612x221080598, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Matthieu MP Bott et Sabine Chahory, « Epidemiology and clinical presentation of feline presumed hereditary or breed-related ocular diseases in France: retrospective study of 129 cats », Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, , p. 1098612X2210805 (ISSN1098-612X et 1532-2750, DOI10.1177/1098612x221080598, lire en ligne, consulté le )