(en) Hiroshi Ishizuka, « Aso in fast lane as economy slows », sur asahi.com, Asahi Shimbun, (consulté le ) : « Of his first 28 days in office to Tuesday, Aso returned home directly after work only four times, including on Sept. 24, when he became prime minister. Excluding the three days when he was overseas or had dinner with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, Aso ate and drank at 32 establishments in Tokyo over 21 days. On 10 of those days, he headed to bars after his meal. »
(en) « Aso Cabinet members average 141.28 million yen in family wealth », sur The Mainichi Daily News, Mainichi Shinbun, (consulté le ) : « Of the 18, Aso is the second wealthiest with 455.48 million yen in assets he owns in his own name and the names of his family members he lives with, following Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kunio Hatoyama, who is worth 764.6 million yen. […] If real estate properties are calculated according to the standards on which fixed property tax is evaluated, Aso is the second richest prime minister in history, following former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa whose assets were disclosed in 1993. »