« Google chairman: We’re making 'real progress' on artificial intelligence », Christian Science Monitor, (ISSN0882-7729, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
« Google chairman: We’re making 'real progress' on artificial intelligence », Christian Science Monitor, (ISSN0882-7729, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) « TensorFlow Version Compatibility », sur TensorFlow (consulté le ) : « Some API functions are explicitly marked as "experimental" and can change in backward incompatible ways between minor releases. These include other languages ».
(en) « Swift for TensorFlow » (consulté le ) : « Swift for TensorFlow is an early stage research project. It has been released to enable open source development and is not yet ready for general use by machine learning developers. The API is subject to change at any time. »
« TensorFlow.js » (consulté le ) : « TensorFlow.js has an API similar to the TensorFlow Python API, however it does not support all of the functionality of the TensorFlow Python API. »
(en) « Google’s new machine learning framework is going to put more AI on your phone », The Verge, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Cade Metz, « TensorFlow, Google's Open Source AI, Points to a Fast-Changing Hardware World », Wired, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).