(en) N. ROBERTS, M. WAPSTRA, F. DUNCAN, A. WOOLLEY, J. MORLEY et N. FITZGERALD, « Shedding some light on Thismia Rodwayi F. Muell. (Fairy lanterns) in Tasmania: distribution, habitat and conservation status », Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. 137, , p. 55-66 (lire en ligne)
(en) M. WAPSTRA, B. FRENCH, N. DAVIES, J. O'REILLY-WAPSTRA et D. PETERS, « A bright light on the dark forest floor: observations on Fairy lanterns Thismia Rodwayi F. Muell. (Burmanniaceae) in Tasmanian forests », The Tasmanian Naturalist, vol. 127, , p. 2-18 (lire en ligne)
(en) Nina ROBERTS, Fred DUNCAN, Mark WAPSTRA et Allison WOOLLEY, Distribution, habitat characteristics and conservation status of Thismia rodwayi F. Muell. in Tasmania : A Report to Forestry Tasmania Conservation Planning Branch and the Forest Practices Board, , 24 p. (lire en ligne)
(en) « Thismia Rodwayi », sur New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, (consulté le )