Thomas Midgley Jr. (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Thomas Midgley Jr." in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3,325th place
6,274th place
622nd place
5,720th place
1,248th place
778th place
518th place
1,672nd place

  • (en-US) Midgley Jr, Thomas. (1925). Tetraethyl Lead Poison Hazards. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 17(8), p. 827-828 (extrait / 1re page).

  • Biographie de Midgley écrite par C. F. Kettering, présentée à l'Académie en 1947, disponible sur le site de la NAS Biographical Memoirs, de l'Académie des sciences américaine PDF, 22 pages.
  • « The research work of Mr. Midgley has received wide recognition, as is evidenced by the great number of distinctions which have come to him from those groups best qualified to evaluate his contributions to human knowledge. Through experience, the layman will also testify his indebtedness to one who has contributed so greatly to more pleasant and efficient living. He has made science a liberator, and we rejoice with him in the satisfactions that must be his in seeing the fruits of his labor. Posterity will acknowledge their permanent value ». discours repris dans la note biographique posthume relative à Midgley et à sa vie de chimiste, écrite par CF. Kettering, et présentée en 1947 à l'Académie des sciences américaine (voir page 372 du recueil d'archive).

  • John R. McNeill, Something New Under the Sun - An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World (New York: Norton), chap. 4. Trad. fr. Du nouveau sous le soleil: Une histoire de l'environnement mondial au XXe siècle (Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 2010) ((en) « had more impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth history »).