Thomas Stephen U.S. National Library of Medicine, Pyometra in a cat, [New York : s.n.], (lire en ligne)
Thomas Stephen U.S. National Library of Medicine, Silkworm gut as a subcutaneous suture in closure of abdominal incisions, New York : William Wood & Co., (lire en ligne)
Thomas Stephen Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, Cancer of the uterus : its pathology, symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment : also the pathology of diseases of the endometrium, New York : Appleton, (lire en ligne)
Thomas Stephen Gerstein - University of Toronto, Adenomyoma of the uterus, Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, (lire en ligne)
Thomas Stephen Columbia University Libraries, Embryology, anatomy, and diseases of the umbilicus : together with diseases of the urachus, Philadelphia ; London : Saunders, (lire en ligne)
William Gerstein - University of Toronto, Contributions to medical and biological research, dedicated to Sir William Osler, bart., M.D., F.R.S., in honour of his seventieth birthday, July 12, 1919, New York P.B. Hoeber, (lire en ligne)
J. Schmitt, I. Hssain, H. Schmitt, « Signe de Cullen et pancréatite aiguë : Cullen’s Sign and Acute Pancreatitis », Ann. Fr. Med. Urgence, (DOI10.1007/s13341-015-0528-5, lire en ligne)
J. Schmitt, I. Hssain, H. Schmitt, « Signe de Cullen et pancréatite aiguë : Cullen’s Sign and Acute Pancreatitis », Ann. Fr. Med. Urgence, (DOI10.1007/s13341-015-0528-5, lire en ligne)