Théorie de De Broglie-Bohm (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Théorie de De Broglie-Bohm" in French language version.

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321st place
31st place
6,140th place
8,974th place
774th place
802nd place
415th place
809th place
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3,519th place

  • (en) Couder Y, Fort E, Gautier CH, Boudaoud A, « From bouncing to floating: noncoalescence of drops on a fluid bath », Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 94, no 17,‎ , p. 177801 (PMID 15904334, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Couder Y, Fort E, « Single-particle diffraction and interference at a macroscopic scale », Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 97, no 15,‎ , p. 154101 (PMID 17155330, lire en ligne)

  • « [As] early as 1924, […] Louis de Broglie had the essence of the idea, and in fact he subsequently presented the more-or-less complete mathematical theory at the famous Solvay conference in 1927. How he ended up being beaten into the ground by the Heisenberg/Pauli/Bohr axis, abandoning his theory until Bohm took it up again the 1950s, is a fascinating story […]. As is the fact that Bohm was in his turn ignored and misinterpreted until an exploration of his work led Bell to his famous inequality which - contrary to popular belief - can be taken as evidence for the pilot-wave theory, rather than as a disproof of it. Even today, relatively few people have even heard of the theory », Mike Towler, De Broglie-Bohm pilot-wave theory and the foundations of quantum mechanics, A graduate lecture course by Mike Towler (University of Cambridge, Lent term 2009), 10 décembre 2008.
  • « Ces résultats montrent que les trajectoires de particules de la théorie de de Broglie-Bohm sont bien plus qu'un aspect d'une interprétation controversée de la mécanique quantique. Elles font partie intégrante de la mécanique quantique, peu importe l'interprétation qu'on en fait. Toutefois, ce sur quoi les différentes interprétations ne s'accordent pas, c'est sur ce que ces trajectoires "sont" en réalité. En ce sens, les trajectoires ont le même rôle que la fonction d'onde en mécanique quantique. Toutes les interprétations l'invoquent, mais elles ne s'accordent pas sur ce qu'elle "est" réellement. » (« [T]hese results shows us that deBB particle trajectories are much more than a part of a controversial interpretation of QM. They are a part of QM itself, irrespective of the interpretation. However, what different interpretations disagree on is what these trajectories really `are'. In this sense, trajectories play a role in QM similar to the role of the wave function. All interpretations involve the wave function, but different interpretations disagree on what this wave function really `is'. »), Mike Towler, « A brief discussion about weak measurements » [PDF], Electronic Structure Discussion Group, TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, février 2012.
  • (en) John W. M. Bush, « Quantum mechanics writ large » [PDF], Department of Mathematics, MIT

  • (en) David Peat Active Information, Meaning and Form : « Unlike all other potentials in physics its effects do not depend upon the strength or "size" of the potential but only on its form. It is for this reason that distant objects can exert a strong influence on the motion of an electron. ».

  • (en) A Global Equilibrium as the Foundation of Quantum Randomness, S. Goldstein, D. Dürr, N. Zanghì, Foundations of Physics 23, 721-738 (1993) « Therefore in a universe governed by Bohmian mechanics there is a priori only one wave function, namely that of the universe, as there is a priori only one system governed by Bohmian mechanics, namely the universe itself. (...) We cannot perform the very same experiment more than once. We can perform only many similar experiments, differing, however, at the very least, by location or time. In other words, insofar as the use of probability in physics is concerned, what is relevant is not sampling across an ensemble of universes, but sampling across space and time within a single universe. What is relevant is empirical distributions—actual relative frequencies for an ensemble of actual events. (...) In other words, we establish the remarkable fact that the observed quantum randomness, as expressed by Born’s statistical law, is a simple manifestation of universal quantum equilibrium, in the sense of typicality. »

  • (en) Couder Y, Fort E, Gautier CH, Boudaoud A, « From bouncing to floating: noncoalescence of drops on a fluid bath », Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 94, no 17,‎ , p. 177801 (PMID 15904334, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Couder Y, Fort E, « Single-particle diffraction and interference at a macroscopic scale », Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 97, no 15,‎ , p. 154101 (PMID 17155330, lire en ligne)