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Perrault et Silk, « The Uncertainty Reducing Capabilities of Primary Care Physicians' Video Biographies for Choosing a New Doctor: Is a Video Worth More Than Two Hundred Words? », Health Communication, vol. 31, no 12, , p. 1472–1481 (ISSN1041-0236, PMID27054561, DOI10.1080/10410236.2015.1082457)
Schmitz et Fulk, « Organizational Colleagues, Media Richness, and Electronic Mail A Test of the Social Influence Model of Technology Use », Communication Research, vol. 18, no 4, , p. 487–523 (ISSN0093-6502, DOI10.1177/009365091018004003, lire en ligne)
CASTRO, FAVELA et GARCIA-PEÑA, « Effects of Communication Media Choice on the Quality and Efficacy of Emergency Calls Assisted by a Mobile Nursing Protocol Tool », CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, vol. 32, no 11, , p. 550–558 (PMID25251859, DOI10.1097/cin.0000000000000101, lire en ligne)