Michael S. Schmidt, Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Goldman et Matt Apuzzo, « Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry into Trump Associates », The New York Times, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Miller, Claire Cain et Perlroth, Nicole, « Secret Court Declassifies Yahoo's Role in Disclosure Fight », Bits (blog of The New York Times), (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Shiffman, John et Cooke, Kristina, « The Judges Who Preside over America's Secret Court », Reuters, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Walsh, Joan, « John Roberts' Scary Secret Powers – Running the Shadowy FISA Court, Where 10 of 11 Judges He Appointed Are Republican, Could Even Trump His SCOTUS Role », Salon, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Barney Henderson, « GCHQ issues rare public statement to dismiss Trump Tower wiretapping claims as 'utterly ridiculous' », The Telegraph, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Steven Swinford, « US makes formal apology to Britain after White House accuses GCHQ of wiretapping Trump Tower », The Telegraph, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Greenwald, Glenn, « Fisa Court Oversight: A Look Inside a Secret and Empty Process – Obama and Other NSA Defenders Insist There Are Robust Limitations on Surveillance But the Documents Show Otherwise », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Greenwald, Glenn, « NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily – Exclusive: Top Secret Court Order Requiring Verizon to Hand Over All Call Data Shows Scale of Domestic Surveillance under Obama », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Goldenberg, Suzanne, « Al Gore: NSA's Secret Surveillance Program 'Not Really the American Way' – Former Vice-President – Not Persuaded by Argument That Program Was Legal – Urges Congress and Obama to Amend the Laws », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Leonnig, Carol D.; Nakashima, Ellen; Gellman, Barton, « Secret-Court Judges Upset at Portrayal of 'Collaboration' with Government », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le ) "For about 30 years, the court was located on the sixth floor of the Justice Department's headquarters, down the hall from the officials who would argue in front of it. (The court moved to the District's federal courthouse in 2009.)"
Ellen Nakashima, « Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011 », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Robert Barnes, « Secrecy of surveillance programs blunts challenges about legality », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Carol D. Leonnig, « Secret court says it is no rubber stamp; work led to changes in U.S. spying requests », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
David A. Fahrenthold, « With NSA Revelations, Sen. Ron Wyden's Vague Warnings About Privacy Finally Become Clear », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Klein, Ezra, « Did You Know John Roberts Is Also Chief Justice of the NSA's Surveillance State? », Wonkblog, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le ) :
« Only one of the 11 members is a Democrat. »
« The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Nakashima, Ellen; Markon, Jerry; O'Keefe, Ed, « Administration, Lawmakers Defend NSA Program to Collect Phone Records », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Dana Priest, « Piercing the confusion around NSA's phone surveillance program », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Andrea Peterson, « The NSA says it 'obviously' can track locations without a warrant. That's not so obvious. », The Washington Post's The Switch, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima et Carol D. Leonnig, « Effort underway to declassify document that is legal foundation for NSA phone program », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima, « ACLU asks court to end NSA surveillance program that collects phone call data », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous, « FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Leonnig, Carol D.; Nakashima, Ellen; Gellman, Barton, « Secret-Court Judges Upset at Portrayal of 'Collaboration' with Government », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le ) "For about 30 years, the court was located on the sixth floor of the Justice Department's headquarters, down the hall from the officials who would argue in front of it. (The court moved to the District's federal courthouse in 2009.)"
Miller, Claire Cain et Perlroth, Nicole, « Secret Court Declassifies Yahoo's Role in Disclosure Fight », Bits (blog of The New York Times), (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Robert Barnes, « Secrecy of surveillance programs blunts challenges about legality », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Carol D. Leonnig, « Secret court says it is no rubber stamp; work led to changes in U.S. spying requests », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
David A. Fahrenthold, « With NSA Revelations, Sen. Ron Wyden's Vague Warnings About Privacy Finally Become Clear », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Klein, Ezra, « Did You Know John Roberts Is Also Chief Justice of the NSA's Surveillance State? », Wonkblog, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le ) :
« Only one of the 11 members is a Democrat. »
« The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Walsh, Joan, « John Roberts' Scary Secret Powers – Running the Shadowy FISA Court, Where 10 of 11 Judges He Appointed Are Republican, Could Even Trump His SCOTUS Role », Salon, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Shiffman, John et Cooke, Kristina, « The Judges Who Preside over America's Secret Court », Reuters, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Greenwald, Glenn, « Fisa Court Oversight: A Look Inside a Secret and Empty Process – Obama and Other NSA Defenders Insist There Are Robust Limitations on Surveillance But the Documents Show Otherwise », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Greenwald, Glenn, « NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily – Exclusive: Top Secret Court Order Requiring Verizon to Hand Over All Call Data Shows Scale of Domestic Surveillance under Obama », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Nakashima, Ellen; Markon, Jerry; O'Keefe, Ed, « Administration, Lawmakers Defend NSA Program to Collect Phone Records », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Goldenberg, Suzanne, « Al Gore: NSA's Secret Surveillance Program 'Not Really the American Way' – Former Vice-President – Not Persuaded by Argument That Program Was Legal – Urges Congress and Obama to Amend the Laws », The Guardian, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Dana Priest, « Piercing the confusion around NSA's phone surveillance program », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Andrea Peterson, « The NSA says it 'obviously' can track locations without a warrant. That's not so obvious. », The Washington Post's The Switch, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima et Carol D. Leonnig, « Effort underway to declassify document that is legal foundation for NSA phone program », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima, « ACLU asks court to end NSA surveillance program that collects phone call data », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Michael S. Schmidt, Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Goldman et Matt Apuzzo, « Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry into Trump Associates », The New York Times, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
« Intelligence committee demands evidence from Trump administration over 'wire-tap' claim », News.com.au, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Barney Henderson, « GCHQ issues rare public statement to dismiss Trump Tower wiretapping claims as 'utterly ridiculous' », The Telegraph, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Steven Swinford, « US makes formal apology to Britain after White House accuses GCHQ of wiretapping Trump Tower », The Telegraph, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Ellen Nakashima, Devlin Barrett and Adam Entous, « FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page », The Washington Post, (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
Valentino-Devries, Jennifer et Gorman, Siobhan, « Secret Court's Redefinition of 'Relevant' Empowered Vast NSA Data-Gathering », The Wall Street Journal, (lire en ligne)