(en) Lyman L. Palmer, History of Mendocino County, California: comprising its geography, geology, topography, climatography, springs and timber., San Francisco, Alley, Bowen, (OCLC1046520871, lire en ligne).
(en) Blanch Brown, « Early Settlers », sur Anderson Valley Historical Society (consulté le ).
(en) Catherine Kuhlman, « Watershed Planning Chapter, February 2005 - Section 2.3.8: Navarro River Watershed » [PDF], sur California State Water Resources Control Board, North Coast Region, (consulté le ) : « The Navarro River watershed is a coastal watershed in southern Mendocino County, 3 miles south of the town of Albion encompassing approximately 315 square miles (201,600 acres). », p. 1.
(en) Lyman L. Palmer, History of Mendocino County, California: comprising its geography, geology, topography, climatography, springs and timber., San Francisco, Alley, Bowen, (OCLC1046520871, lire en ligne).