(en) Maria Witt, « The Zaluski Collection in Warsaw », The Strange Life of One of the Greatest European Libraries of the Eighteenth Century, FYI France, 15 september and 15 october 2005 (consulté le )
(pl) Kazimierz Rymut, Nazwy miast Polski, Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, , 2e éd., 290 p. (ISBN978-83-04-02436-6, LCCN87125822)
(en) Michał Rożek et Doris Ronowicz, Cracow : a treasury of Polish culture and art, Warsaw, Interpress Publishers, (ISBN978-83-223-2245-1, LCCN89169487), p. 74
D'après « meteomodel.pl », sur meteomodel.pl (consulté le ).
D'après « meteomodel.pl », sur meteomodel.pl (consulté le ).
(en) Sampo Ruoppila, Processes of Residential Differentiation in Socialist Cities, European Journal of Spatial Development, (lire en ligne), p. 9–10
(en) « Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) » [archive du ], www.onelab.eu (consulté le )With over 30,000 students served by over 2,000 professors and instructors, WUT is the largest and the highest-ranking engineering university in Poland.
(en) « Warsaw University of Life Sciences » [archive du ], www.sggw.pl (consulté le )Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS – SGGW) is the oldest agricultural academic school in Poland, its history dates back to 1816.
(en) « Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) » [archive du ], www.onelab.eu (consulté le )With over 30,000 students served by over 2,000 professors and instructors, WUT is the largest and the highest-ranking engineering university in Poland.
(en) « Warsaw University of Life Sciences » [archive du ], www.sggw.pl (consulté le )Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS – SGGW) is the oldest agricultural academic school in Poland, its history dates back to 1816.