(en) John Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses: A Biographical List of All Known Students, Graduates and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge, from the Earliest Times to 1900, Cambridge University Press, (ISBN9781108036115, lire en ligne)
(en) Chauncey M. Depew, Titled Americans, 1890: A list of American ladies who have married foreigners of rank, Bloomsbury Publishing, (ISBN9781783660056, lire en ligne)
Special Cable to the New York Times, « G. CAVENDISH-BENTINCK DEAD | Wife Was Elizabeth Livingston, Sister of Mrs. Ogden Mills. », The New York Times, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
« A DANCE AT MRS. GERRY'S.; The Affair Was in Honor of Miss Cavendish-Bentinck and Marked the Debut of Robert G. Gerry. », The New York Times, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
« Ogden Mills Dies at His Home Here. Financier Is the Victim of Pneumonia After Three Weeks Illness. He Was 72 Years Old. Active in Many Philanthropies and Long a Leader in Social Affairs. A Native of California. Interested in Racing », The New York Times, (lire en ligne, consulté le )