X-COM: Terror from the Deep (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "X-COM: Terror from the Deep" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
57th place
4th place
125th place
296th place
53rd place
133rd place
2,775th place
4,072nd place
288th place
760th place
low place
low place
1,635th place
108th place


  • (en) Al Bickham, « The Story of X-Com : From the school playground to Laser Squad Nemesis in the words of Julian Gollop. », sur Eurogamer, (consulté le ) : « Julian Gollop: Microprose wanted us to do a sequel in six months. We told them the only way we could do a sequel in that timeframe would be to change the graphics and tweak a few bits. Eventually we came to a compromise: they'd license our code to make a direct sequel, and we'd do the third one in the series in two years. TFTD was made entirely by Microprose; we had no input apart from giving them our code. They managed to do it in a year, but they had a much bigger team. A shockingly large team, I thought at the time, 12-15 people. ».



  • (en) Ron Dulin, « X-COM: Terror From the Deep Review », sur GameSpot, (consulté le ) : « Apart from new art and a handful of new combat options, this is exactly the same game as UFO Defense, only much more difficult. ».





  • (en) Martin E. Cirulis, « Terror Times Two », Computer Gaming World, no 132,‎ , p. 142-146 (ISSN 0744-6667).
  • Bruno Cardot, « XCOM: Terror from the Deep - Vingt mille Aliens sous les mers ! », Gen4, no 76,‎ , p. 92-94 (ISSN 1624-1088).
  • Iansolo, « X-COM, Terror from the Deep - Dans X-COM, il y a comme », Joystick, no 59,‎ , p. 116-119 (ISSN 1145-4806).
  • (en) Dan Bennett, « X-COM: Terror from the Deep », PC Gamer US, vol. 2, no 7,‎ , p. 101 (ISSN 1080-4471).

