XEmacs (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "XEmacs" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
8,472nd place
5,693rd place
low place
low place




  • « XEmacs at a crossroads » [archive du ] : « For the past decade, work on XEmacs has continued at a low level, and mostly not visible in user-level features. In the meantime, GNU Emacs has implemented almost all XEmacs features...At the same time, a number of features that XEmacs lacks, and would require substantial effort to port, have been implemented...the developers who have been the primary contributors of code currently have personal and professional commitments that prevent them from devoting enough time to XEmacs to implement the large features necessary for full compatibility with GNU Emacs for the foreseeable future...several developers who have contributed heavily in the past have acknowledged that they *won't* be doing so for the foreseeable future. It's only fair that we let you, our users and supporters, know about that. »



  • (en-US) john s jacobs anderson, stealing content the FAQ, « XEmacs: History of XEmacs » [archive du ], sur Xemacs.org (consulté le )
  • « XEmacs at a crossroads » [archive du ] : « For the past decade, work on XEmacs has continued at a low level, and mostly not visible in user-level features. In the meantime, GNU Emacs has implemented almost all XEmacs features...At the same time, a number of features that XEmacs lacks, and would require substantial effort to port, have been implemented...the developers who have been the primary contributors of code currently have personal and professional commitments that prevent them from devoting enough time to XEmacs to implement the large features necessary for full compatibility with GNU Emacs for the foreseeable future...several developers who have contributed heavily in the past have acknowledged that they *won't* be doing so for the foreseeable future. It's only fair that we let you, our users and supporters, know about that. »
