(en) Jürgen Helbing, « yEncode — A quick and dirty encoding for binaries » [archive du ], sur yenc.org, .
« Existing mechanisms for transmission of binary information by electronic mail and newsgroups make use of only 7-bit ASCII text. The resulting encoded data are up to 40% larger than the original binary information. […] The overhead of yEncoded binary data can be as little as 1-2%. »
(en) Jürgen Helbing, « Homepage » [archive du ], sur yenc.org, .
« 30. March 2003: Newsflash: Some neticens began to post yEncoded messages without the mandatory keyword: yEnc in the subject line. Some tools are permitting to post without the quotes around the filename. Both tendencies are not compliant to the yEnc spec. Programmers are honestly to fulfill the spec. »
(en) Jürgen Helbing, « yEncode — A quick and dirty encoding for binaries » [archive du ], sur yenc.org, .
« Existing mechanisms for transmission of binary information by electronic mail and newsgroups make use of only 7-bit ASCII text. The resulting encoded data are up to 40% larger than the original binary information. […] The overhead of yEncoded binary data can be as little as 1-2%. »
(en) Jürgen Helbing, « Homepage » [archive du ], sur yenc.org, .
« 30. March 2003: Newsflash: Some neticens began to post yEncoded messages without the mandatory keyword: yEnc in the subject line. Some tools are permitting to post without the quotes around the filename. Both tendencies are not compliant to the yEnc spec. Programmers are honestly to fulfill the spec. »