Valeur du PIB per capita en 2006, calculée par la Banco Central de la República Argentina : USD 5.462 ( multiplié par l'estimation de la population au 30 juin 2006 selon les données de l'INDEC : 38.970.611 ([1]), tenant en compte le taux de change moyen de 2006 : 3,07 pesos = 1 dollar américain
(en) Oliver Pieper, « Argentina's unprecedented economic boom-to-bust history », sur Deutsche Welle, (consulté le ) : « Peron as economic gravediggerYet, behind all the glittering facades, Argentina's decline was already well underway. It had much to do with the man who won the 1946 presidential election — and who was invoked by many of his successors — whether liberal, conservative or moderate — in subsequent decades: Juan Domingo Peron. The former general promised Argentina a third path between capitalism and socialism and thus laid the economic foundation for the misery of the decades ahead.The Peronist guiding principle was profligacy. And then, when nothing else worked, to go into debt, print money and let inflation gallop. By 1949, Peron had tripled state expenditures and by the time he was pushed from power 1955, he had doubled the number of state employees.Peron's wife, Evita, despised by some as a rank populist but adored as the "angel of the poor" by others, squandered the significant revenue earned from the sale of beer and grain. Charitable social acts, for which the Perons are idolized to this day, were not financially compensated for elsewhere; corruption permeated society. As part of an "Argentina first" policy, tariff barriers were put in place to protect the country's weak industrial base. The aim was for Argentina to be as self-sufficient as possible and workers received high wages and social benefits. Gas plants were purchased, as well as electric companies and the telephone network, and a staggering number of inefficient state companies were founded. »
Valeur du PIB per capita en 2006, calculée par la Banco Central de la República Argentina : USD 5.462 ( multiplié par l'estimation de la population au 30 juin 2006 selon les données de l'INDEC : 38.970.611 ([1]), tenant en compte le taux de change moyen de 2006 : 3,07 pesos = 1 dollar américain