(en) Tarō Sakamoto (trad. du japonais, trans. John S. Brownlee), The Six National Histories of Japan, Vancouver/Tokyo, UBC Press, , 62–63 p. (ISBN0-7748-0379-7, lire en ligne)
William Wayne Farris, Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures, University of Hawaii Press, , 64–66 p. (ISBN0-8248-2030-4, lire en ligne)
(en) Christopher Seeley, A History of Writing in Japan, Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, , 10–11 p. (ISBN90-04-09081-9, lire en ligne)
William Wayne Farris, Sacred Texts and Buried Treasures, University of Hawaii Press, , 348 p. (ISBN0-8248-2030-4, lire en ligne), p. 114
Wontack Hong, Peakche of Korea and the Origin of Yamato Japan, Séoul, Kudara International, , 251–254 p., PDF (ISBN89-85567-02-0, lire en ligne), chap. Chapitre 5: Background Materials, 4. The Seven-Branched Sword (« Terurl »)