Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ateísmo" in Galician language version.
The term as generally used, however, is highly ambiguous. Its meaning varies (a) according to the various definitions of deity, and especially (b) according as it is (i.) deliberately adopted by a thinker as a description of his own theological standpoint, or (ii.) applied by one set of thinkers to their opponents. As to (a), it is obvious that atheism from the standpoint of the Christian is a very different conception as compared with atheism as understood by a Deist, a Positivist, a follower of Euhemerus or Herbert Spencer, or a Buddhist.
But dogmatic atheism is rare compared with the sceptical type, which is identical with agnosticism in so far as it denies the capacity of the mind of man to form any conception of God, but is different from it in so far as the agnostic merely holds his judgment in suspense, though, in practice, agnosticism is apt to result in an attitude towards religion which is hardly distinguishable from a passive and unaggressive atheism.
=A verdadeira postura por defecto non é nin o teísmo nin o ateísmo, senón o agnosticismo... unha pretensión de coñecemento ten que estar fundamentada, a ignorancia só necesita ser confesada.
Ateísmo e ateo son palabras formadas a partir de raíces gregas e con terminacións derivadas do grego. Con todo, non son gregas, a súa formación non está en consonancia coa linguaxe grega. En grego dise atheos e atheotēs. A estas as palabras en inglés ungodly (impío) e ungodliness (impiedade) corresponden con bastante exactitude. Exactamente da mesma maneira que impío, atheos foi utilizado como unha expresión de severa censura e condena moral. Este uso é antigo, e o máis antigo que se pode rastrexar. Non é senón ata máis tarde que o atopamos empregado para referirse a un credo filosófico determinado.
On the contrary, I, as an Atheist, simply profess that I do not see sufficient reason to believe that there is a god. I do not pretend to know that there is no god. The whole question of god's existence, belief or disbelief, a question of probability or of improbability, not knowledge.
Although Neo-Pagans share common commitments to nature and spirit there is a diversity of beliefs and practices ... Some are atheists, others are polytheists (several gods exist), some are pantheists (all is God) and others are panentheists (all is in God).
Non hai unha cosmovisión única que todos os neopagáns ou wiccanos adhiran. Unha fonte de información en liña indica que dependendo de como sexa definido o termo Deus, os neopaganos poderían ser clasificados como monoteístas, diteístas (dous deuses), politeístas, panteístas, ou ateos.
For the thoroughgoing atheist, the path is extremely difficult, if not lonely, for he can not develop any relationship of love with God, nor can he expect any divine help on the long and arduous journey.
That problem was brought home to us with dazzling clarity by Nietzsche, who had reflected more deeply than any of his contemporaries on the implications of godlessness and come to the conclusion that a fatal contradiction lay at the heart of modern theological enterprise: it thought that Christian morality, which it wished to preserve, was independent of Christian dogma, which it rejected. This, in Nietzsche's mind, was an absurdity. It amounted to nothing less than dismissing the architect while trying to keep the building or getting rid of the lawgiver while claiming the protection of the law.
Morality "has truth only if God is truth–it stands or falls with faith in God" (Nietzsche 1968, p. 70). The moral argument for the existence of God essentially takes Nietzsche's assertion as one of its premises: if there is no God, then "there are altogether no moral facts".
Like other mid-nineteenth-century writers, George Eliot was not fully aware of the implications of her humanism, and, as Nietzsche saw, attempted the difficult task of upholding the Christian morality of altruism without faith in the Christian God.
Fai máis de medio século, cando aínda era un neno, recordo escoitar a unha serie de anciáns ofrecer a seguinte explicación dos grandes desastres que ocorreran en Rusia: "Os homes esquecéronse de Deus; Por iso ocorreu todo isto. Desde entón pasei case 50 anos traballando na historia da nosa revolución; No proceso lin centos de libros, recompilei centos de testemuños persoais, e xa contribuín oito volumes dos meus propios esforzos para despexar os cascallos deixados por ese trastorno. Pero se se me pedise hoxe que formulase da maneira máis concisa posible a causa principal da revolución ruinosa que tragou a uns 60 millóns da nosa xente, non podería dicilo con máis precisión que repetir: «Os homes esquecéronse de Deus; Por iso ocorreu todo isto.
Godd would not longe suffer this impietie, or rather atheonisme.
Cousin-germans to these men are many of our great Philosophers and Deists
Recentemente, publicáronse en Nature datos de series temporais bastante sorprendentes sobre as crenzas dos científicos. O criterio de Leuba para crer en Deus é tan estrito que excluiría unha porción substancial do clero "principal". Obviamente foi un truco intencional do seu parte. Quería demostrar que os homes de ciencia eran irrelixiosos.
Recentemente, publicáronse en Nature datos de series temporais bastante sorprendentes sobre as crenzas dos científicos. O criterio de Leuba para crer en Deus é tan estrito que excluiría unha porción substancial do clero "principal". Obviamente foi un truco intencional do seu parte. Quería demostrar que os homes de ciencia eran irrelixiosos..
Antiga palabra grega, non na LXX, só aquí no Novo Testamento. Ateos no sentido orixinal de estar sen Deus e tamén no sentido de hostilidade cara a Deus pola falta de adoración cara a el. Véxanse as palabras de Paulo en Rom 1:18-32.
(a) a crenza de que non hai deus, (b) Algúns filósofos chamaron "atea" porque non se fixeron á crenza nun deus persoal. O ateísmo neste sentido significa "non teísta". O antigo significado da palabra é unha tradución literal. Este último significado é un uso menos rigoroso do termo, aínda que amplamente actual na historia do pensamento.
...a crenza na existencia dun deus ou deuses...
Critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or divine beings. Unlike agnosticism, which leaves open the question of whether there is a God, atheism is a positive denial. It is rooted in an array of philosophical systems.
First Known Use: 1546
There is no God. There is no God.There is no God at all. He who invented God is a fool. He who propagates God is a knave. He who worships God is a primitive.(galego Non hai Deus. Non hai Deus. Non hai Deus en absoluto. O que inventou a Deus é un necio. O que propaga a Deus é un adicto. O que adora a Deus é un primitivo.)
(a) a crenza de que non hai deus, (b) Algúns filósofos chamaron "atea" porque non se fixeron á crenza nun deus persoal. O ateísmo neste sentido significa "non teísta". O antigo significado da palabra é unha tradución literal. Este último significado é un uso menos rigoroso do termo, aínda que amplamente actual na historia do pensamento.
Ou a falta de crenza que hai nun deus, ou a crenza de que non hai ningunha. Ás veces o pensamento mesmo para ser máis que un mero agnosticismo dogmático, aínda que hai ateos que replican que todo o mundo é un ateo sobre a maioría dos deuses, estes avanzan un paso máis aló.
A survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press in May and June 2009, finds that members of this group are, on the whole, much less religious than the general public.1 Indeed, the survey shows that scientists are roughly half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher power. According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.
Nun mundo esnaquizado pola ignorancia, só o ateo négase a negar o obvio: a fe relixiosa promove a violencia humana nun grao asombroso.
The first study of physician religious beliefs has found that 76 percent of doctors believe in God and 59 percent believe in some sort of afterlife. The survey, performed by researchers at the University and published in the July issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found that 90 percent of doctors in the United States attend religious services at least occasionally compared to 81 percent of all adults.
Recentemente, publicáronse en Nature datos de series temporais bastante sorprendentes sobre as crenzas dos científicos. O criterio de Leuba para crer en Deus é tan estrito que excluiría unha porción substancial do clero "principal". Obviamente foi un truco intencional do seu parte. Quería demostrar que os homes de ciencia eran irrelixiosos.
Recentemente, publicáronse en Nature datos de series temporais bastante sorprendentes sobre as crenzas dos científicos. O criterio de Leuba para crer en Deus é tan estrito que excluiría unha porción substancial do clero "principal". Obviamente foi un truco intencional do seu parte. Quería demostrar que os homes de ciencia eran irrelixiosos..
(a) a crenza de que non hai deus, (b) Algúns filósofos chamaron "atea" porque non se fixeron á crenza nun deus persoal. O ateísmo neste sentido significa "non teísta". O antigo significado da palabra é unha tradución literal. Este último significado é un uso menos rigoroso do termo, aínda que amplamente actual na historia do pensamento.
...a crenza na existencia dun deus ou deuses...
The term as generally used, however, is highly ambiguous. Its meaning varies (a) according to the various definitions of deity, and especially (b) according as it is (i.) deliberately adopted by a thinker as a description of his own theological standpoint, or (ii.) applied by one set of thinkers to their opponents. As to (a), it is obvious that atheism from the standpoint of the Christian is a very different conception as compared with atheism as understood by a Deist, a Positivist, a follower of Euhemerus or Herbert Spencer, or a Buddhist.
But dogmatic atheism is rare compared with the sceptical type, which is identical with agnosticism in so far as it denies the capacity of the mind of man to form any conception of God, but is different from it in so far as the agnostic merely holds his judgment in suspense, though, in practice, agnosticism is apt to result in an attitude towards religion which is hardly distinguishable from a passive and unaggressive atheism.
Nun mundo esnaquizado pola ignorancia, só o ateo négase a negar o obvio: a fe relixiosa promove a violencia humana nun grao asombroso.
There is no God. There is no God.There is no God at all. He who invented God is a fool. He who propagates God is a knave. He who worships God is a primitive.(galego Non hai Deus. Non hai Deus. Non hai Deus en absoluto. O que inventou a Deus é un necio. O que propaga a Deus é un adicto. O que adora a Deus é un primitivo.)
On the contrary, I, as an Atheist, simply profess that I do not see sufficient reason to believe that there is a god. I do not pretend to know that there is no god. The whole question of god's existence, belief or disbelief, a question of probability or of improbability, not knowledge.
A opinión que teñén de ser ateos, ou de homes sen Deus.