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Roderick A. Suthers e Sue Anne Zollinger (2004). "Producing song: the vocal apparatus". En H. Philip Zeigler & Peter Marler (eds.). Behavioral Neurobiology of Birdsong. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1016. Nova York: New York Academy of Sciences. pp. 109–129. ISBN1-57331-473-0. PMID15313772. doi:10.1196/annals.1298.041.
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Arendt, Wayne J. (1 de xaneiro de 1988). "Range Expansion of the Cattle Egret, (Bubulcus ibis) in the Greater Caribbean Basin". Colonial Waterbirds11 (2): 252–262. JSTOR1521007. doi:10.2307/1521007.
Laybourne, Roxie C. (decembro de 1974). "Collision between a Vulture and an Aircraft at an Altitude of 37,000 Feet". The Wilson Bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society) 86 (4): 461–462. ISSN0043-5643. JSTOR4160546. OCLC46381512.
Feduccia, Alan; Theagarten Lingham-Soliar, J. Richard Hinchliffe (2005). "Do feathered dinosaurs exist? Testing the hypothesis on neontological and paleontological evidence". Journal of Morphology266 (2): 125–66. PMID16217748. doi:10.1002/jmor.10382.
Brown, Joseph W.; Payne D, Robert B.; Mindell, avid P. (2007). "Nuclear DNA does not reconcile 'rocks' and 'clocks' in Neoaves: a comment on Ericson et ál.". Biology Letters3 (3): 257–259. PMID17389215. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0611.
Weir, Jason T.; Schluter, Dolph (marzo 2007). "The Latitudinal Gradient in Recent Speciation and Extinction Rates of Birds and Mammals". Science315 (5818): 1574–76. PMID17363673. doi:10.1126/science.1135590.
Phil Battley, F.Theunis Piersma, Maurine W. Dietz et al. (xaneiro 2000). "Empirical evidence for differential organ reductions during trans-oceanic bird flight". Proceedings of the Royal Society B267 (1439): 191–195. PMID10687826. doi:10.1098/rspb.2000.0986. (Erratum en Proceedings of the Royal Society B267(1461):2567.)
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J.P. Dumbacher, B.M. Beehler, T.F. Spande et al. (outubro 1992). "Homobatrachotoxin in the genus Pitohui: chemical defense in birds?". Science258 (5083): 799–801. PMID1439786. doi:10.1126/science.1439786.
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Craig R.White, Norman Day, Patrick J. Butler, Graham R. Martin (xullo 2007). "Vision and Foraging in Cormorants: More like Herons than Hawks?". PLoS ONE2 (7): 639. PMID17653266. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000639.
Graham R. Martin e Gadi Katzir (1999). "Visual fields in short-toed eagles, Circaetus gallicus (Accipitridae), and the function of binocularity in birds". Brain, Behaviour and Evolution53 (2): 55–66. PMID9933782. doi:10.1159/000006582.
Turner, J. Scott (1997). "On the thermal capacity of a bird's egg warmed by a brood patch". Physiological Zoology70 (4): 470–80. PMID9237308. doi:10.1086/515854.
Battley, Phil F.; Theunis Piersma, Maurine W. Dietz et als. (2000). "Empirical evidence for differential organ reductions during trans-oceanic bird flight". Proceedings of the Royal Society B267 (1439): 191?5. PMID10687826. doi:10.1098/rspb.2000.0986. (Erratum in Proceedings of the Royal Society B267(1461):2567.)
Shaffer, Scott A.; Yann Tremblay, Henri Weimerskirch et als (2006). "Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources across the Pacific Ocean in an endless summer". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences103 (34): 12799?802. PMID16908846. doi:10.1073/pnas.0603715103.
Croxall, John P.; Janet R. D. Silk, Richard A. Phillips et als. (2005). "Global Circumnavigations: Tracking year-round ranges of nonbreeding Albatrosses". Science307 (5707): 249?50. PMID15653503. doi:10.1126/science.1106042.
Jouventin, Pierre; Thierry Aubin y Thierry Lengagne (1999). "Finding a parent in a king penguin colony: the acoustic system of individual recognition". Animal Behaviour57 (6): 1175–83. PMID10373249. doi:10.1006/anbe.1999.1086.
Templeton, Christopher N.; Greene, Erick y Davis, Kate (2005). "Allometry of Alarm Calls: Black-Capped Chickadees Encode Information About Predator Size". Science308 (5730): 1934–37. PMID15976305. doi:10.1126/science.1108841.
Cockburn, Andrew (2006). "Prevalence of different modes of parental care in birds". Proceedings: Biological Sciences273 (1592): 1375–83. PMID16777726. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3458.
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Gary Ritchison. "Bird biogeography". Department of Biological Sciences Eastern Kentucky University. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 04 de marzo de 2007. Consultado o 31 de marzo de 2009.
Giacchino A. (1999). "De los dinosaurios a las aves". Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 15 de juño de 2009. Consultado o 26 de abril de 2009.
Sales, James (2005). "The endangered kiwi: a review"(PDF). Folia Zoologica54 (1-2): 1–20. Arquivado dende o orixinal(PDF) o 26 de setembro de 2007. Consultado o 23 de marzo de 2009.
Guthrie, R. Dale. "How We Use and Show Our Social Organs". Body Hot Spots: The Anatomy of Human Social Organs and Behavior. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 24 de marzo de 2009. Consultado o 31 de marzo de 2009.
de Beer SJ, Lockwood GM, Raijmakers JHFS, Raijmakers JMH, Scott WA, Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG (2001). "SAFRING Bird Ringing Manual". SAFRING. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 29 de abril de 2003. Consultado o 28 de marzo de 2009.
Ernst Mayr, Margaret Mayr (1954). "The tail molt of small owls"(PDF). The Auk71 (2): 172–78. Arquivado dende o orixinal(PDF) o 19 de agosto de 2012. Consultado o 28 de marzo de 2009.
Payne, Robert B. "Birds of the World, Biology 532". Bird Division, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de febreiro de 2012. Consultado o 28 de marzo de 2009.
Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, Darryl Wheye (1986). "The Adaptive Significance of Anting"(PDF). The Auk103 (4): 835. Arquivado dende o orixinal(PDF) o 10 de setembro de 2008. Consultado o 28 de marzo de 2009.
Campbell, Kenneth E. Jr. & Tonni, E.P. (1983). "Size and locomotion in teratorns"(PDF). Auk100 (2): 390–403. Arquivado dende o orixinal(PDF) o 04 de xullo de 2012. Consultado o 10 de abril de 2009.
Miskelly, C. M. (1987). "The identity of the hakawai"(PDF). Notornis34 (2): 95–116. Arquivado dende o orixinal(PDF) o 25 de marzo de 2009. Consultado o 19 de abril de 2009.
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