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M.J. Waring (1965). "Complex formation between ethidium bromide and nucleic acids.". Journal of Molecular Biology13 (1): 269–282. PMID5859041. doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(65)80096-1.
von Wurmb-Schwark N, Cavelier L, Cortopassi GA. (2006). "A low dose of ethidium bromide leads to an increase of total mitochondrial DNA while higher concentrations induce the mtDNA 4997 deletion in a human neuronal cell line.". Mutat Res.596 (1-2): 57–63. PMID16488450. doi:10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2005.12.003.
Caesar, Robert, Jonas Warringer, and Anders Blomberg. "Physiological Importance and Identification of Novel Targets for the N-Terminal Acetyltransferase NatB -- Caesar et al. 5 (2): 368 --." Eukaryotic Cell. 16 Dec. 2005. Web. 31 Jan. 2010. < 06 de xullo de 2010 en Wayback Machine.>.