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{{Cita publicación periódica |author=Warner DA, Shine R |year=2008 |title=The adaptive significance of temperature-dependent sex determination in a reptile |url=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nature06519.html |journal=[[Nature|volume=451 |pages=566–568 |pmid=18204437 |doi= 10.1038/nature06519 |issue=7178}}
Wibbels, T.; Bull, J.J.; Crews, D. (1991). "Chronology and morphology of temperature dependent sex determination". The Journal of Experimental Zoology260 (3): 371–381. PMID1744617. doi:10.1002/jez.1402600311.
Wibbels, T.; Bull, J.J.; Crews, D. (1991). "Synergism between temperature and estradiol: A common pathway in turtle sex determination". The Journal of Experimental Zoology260 (1): 130–134. PMID1791420. doi:10.1002/jez.1402600117.
Crews, D (1996). "Temperature-dependent sex determination: the interplay of steroid hormones and temperature.". Zoo. Sci.13 (1): 1–13. PMID8688803. doi:10.2108/zsj.13.1.
Miller, D.; Summers, J.; Silber, S. (2004). "Environmental versus genetic sex determination: a possible factor in dinosaur extinction?". Fertility and Sterility81 (4): 954–964. PMID15066448. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2003.09.051.
Georges, A.; Ezaz, T.; Quinn, A. E.; Sarre, S. D. (2010). "Are reptiles predisposed to temperature-dependent sex determination?". Sexual Development4 (1–2): 7–15. PMID20110654. doi:10.1159/000279441.
Janzen, F. J.; Phillips, P. C. (2006). "Exploring the evolution of environmental sex determination, especially in reptiles". Journal of Evolutionary Biology19 (6): 1775–1784. PMID17040374. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2006.01138.x.