Evento anóxico (Galician Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Evento anóxico" in Galician language version.

Global rank Galician rank
2nd place
7th place
75th place
47th place
3,867th place
801st place
1,160th place
3,413th place
5th place
11th place
3rd place
12th place
120th place
208th place





  • Wignall, Paul B.; Twitchett, Richard J. (1996-05-24). "Oceanic Anoxia and the End Permian Mass Extinction". Science (en inglés) 272 (5265): 1155–1158. ISSN 0036-8075. doi:10.1126/science.272.5265.1155. 
  • Katja M Meyer, Lee R Kump (9 de xaneiro de 2008). "Oceanic euxinia in Earth history: Causes and consequences". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 36: 251–288. doi:10.1146/annurev.earth.36.031207.124256. Consultado o 11 de abril de 2014. The central external trigger for euxinia is proposed to be enhanced volcanism (release of volcanic CO2), although other external forcings of the climate system could be imagined (changing solar luminosity, changes in continental configuration affecting ocean circulation and the stability of ice sheets. [O desencadenante externo central da euxinia proponse como o vulcanismo potenciado (liberación de CO2 volcánico), aínda que se poderían imaxinar outros forzamentos externos do sistema climático (cambios de luminosidade solar, cambios na configuración continental que afectan á circulación oceánica e a estabilidade das capas de xeo).] 




  • Katja M Meyer, Lee R Kump (9 de xaneiro de 2008). "Oceanic euxinia in Earth history: Causes and consequences". Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 36: 251–288. doi:10.1146/annurev.earth.36.031207.124256. Consultado o 11 de abril de 2014. The central external trigger for euxinia is proposed to be enhanced volcanism (release of volcanic CO2), although other external forcings of the climate system could be imagined (changing solar luminosity, changes in continental configuration affecting ocean circulation and the stability of ice sheets. [O desencadenante externo central da euxinia proponse como o vulcanismo potenciado (liberación de CO2 volcánico), aínda que se poderían imaxinar outros forzamentos externos do sistema climático (cambios de luminosidade solar, cambios na configuración continental que afectan á circulación oceánica e a estabilidade das capas de xeo).] 

