Falange Española (Galician Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Falange Española" in Galician language version.

Global rank Galician rank
1st place
1st place
5th place
11th place
2nd place
7th place
703rd place
2,480th place



  • Slaven, James (2018). "The Falange Española: A Spanish Paradox". Proceedings of the 10th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (Atlantis Press) 211: 235. ISSN 2352-5398. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3266916. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de marzo de 2020. Consultado o 26 de xuño de 2019. On October 29, 1933, José Antonio Primo de Rivera founded a fascist political party in Madrid, Spain, called Falange Española (FE). (...) The FE was a distinctly fascist movement, containing “nearly all the general qualities and characteristics… of generic thirdpotitionist (Payne 1995, 261). 



  • Slaven, James (2018). "The Falange Española: A Spanish Paradox". Proceedings of the 10th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (Atlantis Press) 211: 235. ISSN 2352-5398. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3266916. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de marzo de 2020. Consultado o 26 de xuño de 2019. On October 29, 1933, José Antonio Primo de Rivera founded a fascist political party in Madrid, Spain, called Falange Española (FE). (...) The FE was a distinctly fascist movement, containing “nearly all the general qualities and characteristics… of generic thirdpotitionist (Payne 1995, 261). 


  • Slaven, James (2018). "The Falange Española: A Spanish Paradox". Proceedings of the 10th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (Atlantis Press) 211: 235. ISSN 2352-5398. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3266916. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de marzo de 2020. Consultado o 26 de xuño de 2019. On October 29, 1933, José Antonio Primo de Rivera founded a fascist political party in Madrid, Spain, called Falange Española (FE). (...) The FE was a distinctly fascist movement, containing “nearly all the general qualities and characteristics… of generic thirdpotitionist (Payne 1995, 261). 


  • Slaven, James (2018). "The Falange Española: A Spanish Paradox". Proceedings of the 10th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (Atlantis Press) 211: 235. ISSN 2352-5398. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3266916. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 23 de marzo de 2020. Consultado o 26 de xuño de 2019. On October 29, 1933, José Antonio Primo de Rivera founded a fascist political party in Madrid, Spain, called Falange Española (FE). (...) The FE was a distinctly fascist movement, containing “nearly all the general qualities and characteristics… of generic thirdpotitionist (Payne 1995, 261).