Guerra polaco-soviética (Galician Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Guerra polaco-soviética" in Galician language version.

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3,496th place
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1,879th place
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424th place
1,011th place
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1,588th place
5,239th place

  • Hyde-Price, Adrian (2001). Manchester University Press, ed. Germany and European Order. Manchester, Inglaterra. p. 75. ISBN 0-7190-5428-1. 
  • Parker. W. W. Norton & Company, ed. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. ISBN 0-393-02025-8. 
  • Davies. Columbia University Press, ed. God's Playground. Vol. 2: 1795 to the Present. ISBN 0-231-12819-3. 
  • Suny. Oxford University Press, ed. The Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States. ISBN 0-19-508105-6. 
  • Ulam. Beacon Press, ed. Stalin: The Man and His Era. ISBN 0-8070-7005-X. 
  • "Although the [UNR] was unable to contribute real strength to the Polish offensive, it could offer a certain camouflage for the naked aggression involved. Warsaw had non difficulty in convincing the powerless Petlura to sign a treaty of alliance. In it hei abandoned his claim of all territories [...] demanded by Pilsudki. In exchange the Poles recognized the sovereignty of the UNR on all territories which it claimed, including those within the Polish frontiers of 1772 - in other words, much of the area Poland demanded from Soviet Russia. Petlura also pledged not to conclude any international agreements against Poland and guaranteed full cultural rights to the Polish residents in Ukraine. Supplementary military and economic agreements subordinated the Ukrainian army and economy to the control of Warsaw."Richard K Debo, Survival and Consolidation: The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1918-1921, pp. 210-211, McGill-Queen's Press, 1992, ISBN 0-7735-0828-7.

  • Rumor of atrocities. I walk into town. Indescribable terror and despair. They tell me all about it. Privately, indoors, they’re afraid the Poles may come back. Captain Yakovev’s Cossacks were here yesterday. A pogrom. The family of David Zyz, in people’s homes, a naked, barely breathing prophet of an old man, and old woman butchered, a child with fingers chopped off, many people still breathing, stench of blood, everything turned upside down, chaos, a mother sitting over her sobered son, an old woman lying twisted up like a pretzel, four people in one hovel, filth, blood under a black beard, just lying there in their blood. Isaac Babel, 1920 Diary, p. 84, Yale, 2002, ISBN 0-300-09313-6

  • Ver por exemplo Russo-Polish War na Enciclopedia

    Británica…military conflict between Soviet Russia and Poland, which sought to seize Ukraine… Although there had been hostilities between the two countries during 1919, the conflict began when the Polish head of state Józef Pilsudski formed an alliance with the Ukrainian nationalist leader Symon Petlura (21 de abril de 1920) and their combined forces began to overrun Ukraine, occupying Kiev on May 7.
  • (en polaco) Wojna polsko-bolszewicka. Arquivado 11 de novembro de 2013 en Wayback Machine. Entrada na Internetowa encyklopedia PWN. Último acceso o 27 de outubro de 2006.
  • THE REBIRTH OF POLAND. Arquivado 05 de febreiro de 2012 en Wayback Machine. University of Kansas, lecture notes by professor Anna M. Cienciala, 2004. Consultado o 2 de xuño de 2006.
  • "Battle Of Warsaw 1920". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 18 de xaneiro de 2012. Consultado o 5 de novembro de 2006. 
  • Oleksa Pidlutskyi, Postati XX stolittia, (Figures of the 20th century), Kíiv, 2004, ISBN 966-8290-01-1, Chapter "Józef Piłsudski: The Chief who Created Himself a State" reprinted in Zerkalo Nedeli (the Mirror Weekly), Kíiv, 3–9 de febreiro de 2001, in Russian and in Ukrainian.
  • (en polaco)Janusz Szczepański, KONTROWERSJE WOKÓŁ BITWY WARSZAWSKIEJ 1920 ROKU (Controversias ao redor da Batalla de Varsovia en 1920). Mówią Wieki, versión online.
  • Jan Bury, POLISH CODEBREAKING DURING THE RUSSO-POLISH WAR OF 1919-1920, online Arquivado 03 de decembro de 2007 en Wayback Machine.
  • "The newly found Polish state cared much more about the expansion of its borders to the east and south-east ("between the sexas") that about helping the agoniz in g [Ukrainian] state of which Petlura was a de-facto dictator. ("A Belated Idealist." Zerkalo Nedeli (Mirror Weekly), 22-28 de maio de 2004. Available online in Russian and in Ukrainian.)Piłsudski is quoted to have said: "After the Polish independence we will see about Poland's size". (ibid)

  • (en polaco) Karpus, Zbigniew, Jeńcy i internowani rosyjscy i ukraińscy na terenie Polski w latach 1918-1924 (Russian and Ukrainian Prisoners of War and Internees in Poland, 1918-1924), Toruń 1997, Fontes_bibliográficas/8371740204. ISBN 83-7174-020-4. Polish table of contents online. English translation available: Russian and Ukrainian Prisoners of War and Internees in Poland, 1918-1924, Wydawn. Adam Marszałek, 2001, ISBN 83-7174-956-2;