D. C. Fabrycky, M. J. Holman, D. Ragozzine, M. E. Brown, T. A. Lister, D. M. Terndrup, J. Djordjevic, E. F. Young, L. A. Young, R. R. Howell. AAS DPS conference 2008, ed. "Mutual Events of 2003 EL61 and its Inner Satellite". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 09-01-2009. Consultado o 17-10-2008.
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M. E. Brown, A. H. Bouchez, D. L. Rabinowitz, R. Sari, C. A. Trujillo, M. A. van Dam, R. Campbell, J. Chin, S. Hartman, E. Johansson, R. Lafon, D. LeMignant, P. Stomski, D. Summers, P. L. Wizinowich (Outubro do 2005). "Keck Observatory laser guide star adaptive optics discovery and characterization of a satellite to large Kuiper belt object 2003 EL61". The Astrophysical Journal Letters(full text from Caltech)|format= require |url= (Axuda)632: L45. doi:10.1086/497641.
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D. C. Fabrycky, M. J. Holman, D. Ragozzine, M. E. Brown, T. A. Lister, D. M. Terndrup, J. Djordjevic, E. F. Young, L. A. Young, R. R. Howell. AAS DPS conference 2008, ed. "Mutual Events of 2003 EL61 and its Inner Satellite". Arquivado dende o orixinal o 09-01-2009. Consultado o 17-10-2008.